Salmonrun MediaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Salmonrun Media

Salmonrun Media has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 417 designs from 63 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We are a boutique media production company specializing in high end HD commercials, marketing videos, documentaries and TV programming.
Color Preferences
I'm really open to ideas on my logo. I've had several in the past, none have really lasted. I've always liked red with black, white and gray. I'm not opposed to others, but red white black/gray are the colors I've always associated with my presence.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
You can see my current logo on my site: and a former logo (the favicon) in your browser.

I designed these about 6 months ago, and I'm already tired of them. In grad school I free-lance designed (layout and photoshop, not illustration), so I have a pretty discerning eye and I know what I like when I see it.

The fish is the obvious icon - but I've not yet come up with, or seen, a salmon that rings as "iconic" for me. The Salmon Run is a time of year when the salmon return to their birthing spot to spawn, and then die. It's this amazing process where they give their all to get up stream through the rapids and past the bears and fishermen, to create new life and then die.

I'd like to have a logo that's strong enough and simple enough so that in a few seconds people can get a feel for what kind of work we produce. I'd like something to use before the video projects we create - like the big productions you see in the movies. It has to communicate passion, strength (with a blance between the masculine and feminine), and a renewing spirit that I feel represents what we do (as media makers) and what we can do for our clients.


Order by
Entry Number


















































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1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 1 ... 7 Next >


A great start gang...

#1 years ago I had a haida fish as my logo but I think I want to move on from this as my icon. I don't mind fish motifs, but I'd love to see something that could be branded as original to my company

#2 I like the bold and light typeface together, and I like typeface you've chosen. Not crazy about the peace sign, but an icon above the name could be pretty cool.

#3 Again, I like the light and bold font together like that, and the frame grab from one of my films was very clever (and as a typeface logo, that's actually pretty strong) but I'd like to see an icon worked in.
15 years ago
I'm sorry my feedback hasn't been quicker - but unfortunately this site is UNBELIEVABLY slow for me. 2-3 minutes (no joke) to load a page. I have the fastest cable connection you can get in my city, so I'm not sure what's up.

Anyway, I'll layout feedback in this comments section later today. Thanks to all the new entries.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
no worries man! take your time:)
15 years ago
I'm impressed with the designs coming back. If I've marked yours as "uninterested" it's not necessarily because of your design (and certainly not a reflection of your effort), but more a matter of me knowing at first glance that it wasn't for my company. Those left in the ranking, know that I haven't yet had an "A ha!" moment, but I've kept you ranked because your idea piqued my interest and challenged what I thought my logo could be.

Feedback: Due to the slow page load times (literally minutes), I'm going to put all my comments here on the main page. I hope this will suffice.

Really liking the icon, the bold black with a touch of red. I like that it shapes an S. Other logos were submitted that did this and they didn't quite work for me, but this is subtle enough. I could see this icon being incorporated as an animation some day.

Very clever, I like the gradient and the sharp angles, very clean.

Of the two in this motif, I prefer the one with two fish, but this one is still iconic, which I like.

I like the black and red play with the typeface, and the cyclical nature the fish and waves elicit. I wonder if the fish could be a stronger logo if it were less detailed and combined somehow with the water (I'm just assuming that's water, correct me if I'm wrong). I'd love to see them be separate, but one. Does that make sense?

I liked the simple illustration, and I could see this as an animation. Seeing only half the fish is an interesting choice, which stood out. While I like the typeface, I'm not sure it works for me in this logo.

Very web2.0 in it's delivery, I like the idea, very clever, but I don't want to pigeon hole what we do too specifically to web media (which, to me anyway, this logo implies). That said, video and film are moving in the direction of the web, so I still have this logo ranked. Play with some variations, I'd love to see some more from you.

Same as above. I actually prefer the blue/gray color scheme over this one, even though I'm drawn to the colors I mentioned in my notes.

I'd like to see some variations on this. Right now, my eye is drawn more to the left of the logo and I see a rhinoceros :) call me crazy! Also, while "technically" correct with salmon and run being separate, the company name is salmonrun (you got it right in entry #29).

Interesting icon with the water incorporated. The weight seems a bit heavy on the left, but I'm not sure where else you'd put the salmon. Love to see some variations

I like the line drawing look of this fish and the subtle vignetting, and I like the color red you've chosen for the typeface.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
you are very cooperatif man... helpfull by giving so many times to enlighten contestants. i like you man
hope other contest holder want to give appropriate appreciation just like you...
maybe it's bcause you are an artist, too :)
15 years ago
wow, these are really getting difficult to rank. I'll post some feedback tomorrow night (sorry, it's getting late and it's been a long day) after I get back from filming.

looking forward to ranking some more tomorrow!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
there are so many nice designs here, lucky CH
15 years ago

Thanks so much for these awesome contributions. Again, if you're not ranked, it doesn't mean your design wasn't well done. I promised some feedback - so here goes:

generally, i prefer either all caps, or all lowercase.

This is still the strongest stand alone mark for me. I wouldn't mind seeing the colors reversed so I'd know what to expect on a dark background.

I love how this is at first glance abstract, and then "oh, i see." The ring around the "eggs" makes it a stronger mark, and reminds me of the old bolex film cameras that had three lenses on the front

I really like the subtle fish motif - takes a second to realize there is actually something forming the S. I'd like to see the company name on one line, if possible, with this mark.

I like this one, nice use of blue/gray/ white and red, the colors really blend nicely.

This is a strong mark. Not sure what I'd have you change.

This one is playful - I really like the illustrated fish. Could I see this in lowercase? or all caps?

The slight angle is nice, gives a little more motion to the mark.

This one is strong. Not sure anything needs changing.

Haven't seen any revisions on this one :( which i'd like as I think is a great start. I'd love to see the fish and the waves more connected as one mark. I don't like seeing the fish through the waves (near the tail).

Nothing to suggest. Nice work.

I like how playful this one feels - and the multiple fish with the orange and yellow hues is interesting. Love to see it either all caps or lowercase

Same as others by this artist...strong, not sure what to tell you to change.

Sorry to see this one withdrawn.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, CH, for your respect of the artists' time and talent. I'm not even entered in this contest....but I was checking it out and was delighted to read your comments and feedback. You're truly a breath of fresh air! I hope you get a logo that makes you jump up and down for years to come!
15 years ago

I just wanted to thank everyone who submitted logo designs for my company in this contest. I was skeptical when I clicked on the ad that led me here initially, but I can honestly say that I am very impressed with the caliber of work that has been presented.

I tried to keep the "ranked" list around 20, simply so it was easier for me to manage. If I offended anyone by not providing feedback on your design, or by putting you immediately in the "not interested" section, my apologies. Nearly all the designs gave me pause and I'm grateful for your hard work on behalf of my company image.

Keep up the good work, and I'll be recommending my colleagues to this site.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#269. Nice work charcoal. That's awesome!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Zero!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
congrats mickyboy!
hard luck Sean, you'll burn the 'coal next time ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks bluey
15 years ago
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