Babo thanks for revisions! #48 and #49 look good. I like the type for Big Fish Studios in 3 by Pappa Daz but don't know if it works here. Can you see what you thing re upper and lower case? Maybe all upper? Also I changed my avatar to my current logo so its easy to glance at what i have now.
Thanks for the feedback, I did try 'robert holland BIG FISH STUDIOS' but it looked a bit too unbalanced for this format. Sorry for the flood of uploads the latest are just font variations #54, #55, #56, #57. I'll have a go at a similar fish shape to your current one.
Babo, could you experiment with the shape of the fish / shark in #122, #117? Maybe a tiny tail fin sticking up, possibly modifying the front nose/mouth area, and possibly consider a slight distortion of shape overall?
# 166, 164 - thanks babo. is there a way to make the fish / shark more playful or whimsical? i love your concept. i'm just struggling a bit with exactly how practical it will be for me since the fish is such a huge part of design.
#223 combination of #61 & #164 with changes to mouth and addition of nostril. #224 same as previous but with frame, i didn't put in a full frame because of the mouth #225 moved 'big fish studios' and reduced size of fish to be in proportion with 'robert holland' for a more compact layout. #226 shortened length of fin to nose.