#267 is the ONE ! Small Gradient is perfect ! The Gradient or light reflection in #264 #265 #266 are a bit too much.
But could you make for us some exemple with a White Background. Keep The Icon and the " 'UP " in the same color. Feel free to propose some great coloration. We would like to be young and not too serious (but not flashy :) )
Could you make an exemple without the "R" in Rights'Up but : ((ICON)) + IGHTS'UP
All the Team Thanks you for your creativity. You do a great job !
As you may see we will take you as the Winner of our Contest. Thanks for your work and creativity, we love the Logo ! But we are just thinking about the color.
We would like you to do some FINAL tests with 2 different backgrounds colors, could you take the design #386 and change those info:
1. Put a WHITE Background:
- Put The All Text " R*ights " in R:170; G:170; B:170. *Also The R in the Icon and the ' - Put the Icon (Keep a small gradient effect) and the 'Up and colorize it in R: 49, G:144, B: 241 and another test with: R:41, G: 169, B: 223
2. Put a Black or Dark Background
- Put The All Text "R*ights" in White *Also The R in the Icon and the ' - Put the Icon (Keep a small gradient effect) and the 'Up and colorize it in R: 130, G:193, B: 194 and another test with: R:49, G: 144, B: 241.
Could you do these 4 Logos? Many thanks for your help. We will close the contest after you change those details !