We sort of like # 184 and 185. The color blue is off, and shoudl either be a royal blue or a navy blue instead of this aqua type blue. Also resolute technology should be all lower case.
This has some potential, and as you can see by the brief and comments, nobody to date has been able to capture what we want on the capital RT and make these letters thick enough, fat enough, or long enough. We have been forced to seek other marks as an alternative. It is possible that what we want just does not exist or look good. Anyhow, if you try again on the RT, please read the brief and especially the comments about us wanting the RT to be very thick, fat letters that are stretched out and actually long enough to take up the space to allow the words resolute technology to go under them.
We prefer the tag phrase to be in a gray / silver so as to be a little more subtle.