Thank you for your submission. Please read the brief and as importantly the comments I have left below the logos, as this one does not do it for us. I like the color red you used, and it is definitely interesting, but not what we are looking for. Please try again and pay special attention to the logos and comments for #45 and #39
Thanks! That is a lot closer. Can you change the font to be a more bold font, similar to or the same font as #45? Please also make media group in all lower case.
This one is definitely interesting. I just put up a logo sample and attached it to the contest, which is a little more abstract screen than yours, though I like yours also.
Thanks. The fonts are better, but the color blue in #70 is too much of a light blue. We are looking at navy blue or even royal blue like in # 32.
I still cannot decide if the screen as you have it, or an abstract shape of a screen is the way to go. I am worried about the screen you have being too hard to put on clothing and marketing materials.
I almost feel like we need a more abstract screen shape (again that could be anything form a PC, to an I-phone or Droid, to an I-pad) and then have either a sphere going through it (from left to right) or our name coming out o fit.