Rescue-Tech ServicesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Rescue-Tech Services

Rescue-Tech Services has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 32 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.


























Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Any change please tell me :); I hope you like my idea!

(This comment references Entry #1)
15 years ago
#16 Looking good! I would like to see the blue & red circle symetrical. The blue line as rounded as the red an oval racetrack with 2 straightaways. If you would attach together the blue & red lines with a male/female plug (blue male/red female [clockwise]) I think that would look really good. You may need to leave a slight space between the two plugs to distinguish between the two. I would like Rescue to be the same font as Tech Services as in #8 with Rescue in red italics. Please omit the hats & put the red/blue cross on the upper left side of their jackets or shoulder/upper arm. Becaue the angle is different, the electronics on the stretcher is not as distinguishable as in #1. If you lighten up the pc & monitor to show more outline it may show more clearly. Thanks!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
The new version! Thanks for the feedback, please continue :)

(This comment references Entry #19)
15 years ago
#19 Excellent! If you would clip off the lock of hair that flips up on the guy up front & round off the pointy-toed shoes I would appreciate it. I’d like to see written (fitted) underneath Rescue –Tech Services: Fire, Flood & Lightning Damage Mitigation of Electronic Equipment and above the blue line on top: Technical Restoration (asterick) Loss Claims Consulting. Maybe the illustration should be shrunk down to fit into the oval?

I'm also thinking about an additional version of only the cross, name & subline, w/red line going across the top ending at the end of services & the blue line not extending past the top of the cross, to use as a letter head. I would of course pay extra for the letterhead. This is if you win ;) Thanks again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi! I've uploaded the version with the changes! The letterhead version is a good idea, i'll do a excellent service if you need after this, and of course, if I win =)
15 years ago
#20 Looking Very Good! If you would please put the 2 new lines in italics it is on my business card (should have told you earlier) that would be fine. I would like to see the top line "Technical Restoration - Loss Claims Consulting" on top of the red line above Rescue-Tech Services. Please put a small diamond symbol in between instead of the asterisk and center between the end of the red cross above the "E" and the "I" (or best fit). Along with the above-mentioned revisions I think I would prefer the illustration to go “outside the box” as in #19. Also would you remove the white shadow from Rescue-Tech Services. The equipment on the stretcher should be darker as you had originally to look like soot!

In addition to the second letterhead version, a third version would be with the above revisions with the illustration removed. That will enable me to swap out images when needed.

I'm very excited about this ...Thanks again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
all changes done! Please look :) Thanks!! We are going to a good result :)

(This comment references Entry #21)
15 years ago
Very good result! The only thing I don't like is the diamond symbol between the "Technical Restoration - Loss Claims Consulting". Instead, would you please insert a small black bullet centered in between with one blank space on either side. Other than that I don't think this logo could be improved.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
up! The diamond don´t appear much because his size, but the bullet should be better :)

(This comment references Entry #28)
15 years ago
#28 Excellent! Nothing more needs to be done with this logo. Let the clock run out!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks !!
15 years ago
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