We really like the picture of the horse and child/youth. Is there any way to change the font to a slightly more Western or Ranch style? Feel free to make the design a little more elaborate with a few ornamental touches - see Crystal Peaks logo and website (www.cpyr.org) as an example
Both entry #15 and 16 are great and have a much more "Western" warm feel to them. To be honest, my wife is leaning more to these designs. Is it possible to make a couple of changes to the child? Maybe have the child's right arm (that's going over the nose of the horse) come down lower so that it's not so near the horse's eye - this way it won't show an awkward "elbow" (with a long forearm) and it will look more like a "hug" around the nose of the horse. Second, what if the "mouth" was closed rather than open - would that look okay? Last change, would it be possible to make the blaze or marking on the horse's forehead look just a "little" more like a cross - just a tiny subtle change would be great. We're really looking forward to seeing your next designs. They've been getting better each time. Great job.
The previous comment was a general comment that relates to both entry #15 and #16. Here's some specific suggestions related to each one specifically: Entry #16 - can you make the "Rescue - Serve - Mentor - Equip" a separate line/item like in Entry #15 (maybe just along the bottom of the box or something) - it can even be straight rather than curved. Maybe try it a couple of ways to see which looks better. Second, can you remove the "tail" or extra curve/loop on the "R"s so that it looks more like Entry #15? Entry #15 - just one little change. can you have the outline of the horse/child logo similar to Entry #16 where it follows the outline of the horse rather than having a thick border around the horse? Make that two little changes - can you also submit the same logo with the child/horse in black (and a matching color), like Entry #16? I think it looks a little better with a black silhouette versus a white silhouette.
Again, great job. We are beginning to like this one more and more with each change.
Entry #19 - Awesome job on the changes to the child (closed mouth and different orientation of the arm). Overall it looks good, but can you make a few small changes? First, can you change the "blue" outline around the shape and the "Redeption Ranch" letters to black? Second, can you change the fill colour in the shape to the darker brown like entry #15 - it's richer, deeper and warmer, and the swirls/shapes stand out better. Third, can you change the silhouette of the child and horse to black and have the cross/blaze and the muzzle on the horse brown (just like in entry #16)? You can keep the light "yellow" colour of the horse in entry #19 - it's a nice, warm contrast. Thanks for all the work and sorry for all the small changes :)
Entry #20 - again, great job on the latest revision - we love the fill colours inside the shape; lettering and the swirls. Just a couple of small changes to this one. First, can you change the silhouette of the child and horse to black and have the cross/blaze and the muzzle on the horse brown (just like in entry #16). You can keep the light "yellow" colour of the horse in entry #20 - it's a nice, warm contrast. Second, can you go back to the bigger "ticket" shape (like in entry #16, but leave the lettering the same size, style, colour as entry #20) and then just include the words only (Rescue - Serve - Mentor - Equip) into the "ticket" shape (no box around it or anything) in a straight line along the inside bottom of the shape. Does that make sense? You can use either all caps (like most of the other entries) or keep the same as entry #20 - it's fine either way. That's it. Thanks again for all your hard work - fantastic designs
By the way, do you have any ideas for a letterform mark to go along with the logo (something using two R's - something that the old cowboys would use as a branding iron to mark their livestock)? As an example, maybe check out the letterform mark for Crystal Peaks at www.cpyr.org (the CP in their logo - in between "Youth" and "Ranch"). It can be a fairly simple shape (vertical ticket shape like entry 16 & 20, or a cowboy hat, or anything that seems to have a western or cowboy feel to it) with two R's in it. We're really excited to see what you come up with, since the other designs are so creative.
Entry #25 & 26 - Absolutely AWESOME!!! We love both of the designs and are going to have an extremely difficult choice between the two. We are going to send them out today for feedback from others. And the branding mark in entry #26 is fantastic. Super job.
Congratulations on the winning design (entry #26) - we absolutely love it! We don't know exactly how this works since this is the first time we've done this, but would it be possible to get this design a few different ways so that we can use them in various ways (on shirts, mugs, letterhead, etc.)? If possible, can you also submit the following as separate items: 1) the branding mark in black w/ transparent background 2) the horse/child silhouette in colour and also in black w/ transparent background 3) the "ticket" shape without the horse/child silhouette (in colour and also in black w/ transparent background) Does this make sense? For the black w/ transparent background, will we also be able to invert that to white w/ transparent background later for printing on dark colour backgrounds?) Again, I apologize if these questions are not possible or practical - is this part of the judging process or does this happen with your final submissions within the 48 hour window? We'd just like to have the different aspects of the logo (branding mark, pictoral mark and letterform mark) in as many different ways as possible for maximum application across the organization. That's also what really drew us to this as the winning design. Thanks for a great design and let us know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions. Mark & Conny
Hello, I am happy you like it. I am not sure how many ways I can upload this logo here, but will upload in as many ways as LT lets me. Usually the winner uploads a standard .eps and a high resolution jpg. The .eps is a standard format for the logo to be submitted in. In this format, it can be used in many ways and easily adjusted for many uses. But I would be more than happy to supply you with everything you'd like if we can't get them all uploaded using LT. The last tournament I won, I was only able to just upload the winning logo as an illustrator .eps and a jpg. (I am not sure if that is all they asked for.)
You can always contact me after at my website at www.fraydkatz.com and my email address is meicher@fraydkatz.com. I would be more than happy to get you the rest of what you need (without any extra cost.) You have a great organization (helping horses and troubled kids.) I would be more than happy to help out with the various items needed in regards to this logo.
Thanks so much Michael. I'll go ahead and select the winner so that you can upload the winning logo and get paid, and then we'll sort out the rest afterwards.