Redbird120 GardeningLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Redbird120 Gardening

Redbird120 Gardening has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 265 designs from 41 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Redbird120 Gardening is a residential gardening business offering AFFORDABLE in-person and virtual garden coaching, planning, implementation and maintenance services. Redbird120 Gardening supports residential gardening clients who wish to develop or expand existing native and non-native garden beds with a special focus of building on existing beds and resources. Clients targeted for services include new gardeners with little or no experience; experienced gardeners needing extra assistance; gardeners with mobility challenges; and gardeners seeking knowledge of a new approaches or design/planning services. Affordability of my services is an important strategy to recruiting new clients, and retaining those clients. I'd love this affordability to be represented in the logo design.
Home & Garden
Color Preferences
No specific color requirements, but would love to see some type of incorporation of red (used sparingly) in some manner. Open to yellows, greens, browns and blacks as well.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
My preference is to NOT stifle the creative process of Logo Tournaments professional designers. I think that based on the six logos I selected in the "inspiration" section, it's clear the type of design elements, use of font and overall feel to which I'm drawn.
Additionally, I'd love to see logo options that emphasize more of the native ornamental gardening as opposed to a red bird. Other potential design elements for inclusion might be gardening gloves, watering can, wheelbarrow shovel, a flower, pile of soil... a design element(s) that shows the gardening services as personal, hands-on by the owner (me). I've uploaded a few versions of logo examples with a few different design elements that might be appropriate in some manner.
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Looking forward to kicking off this process with Logo Tournament's professional designers. Appreciate good, innovative design!
4 months ago
Love seeing the early designs coming in with the more contemporary design. Two thoughts are occurring to me at this early time:

1: Want to make sure the overall design is clean, but not too clean where it might feel like services are pricey.

2. Would be interested in seeing designs not inclusive of a bird. :-)
4 months ago
To add to the above #2 - interested in emphasizing the "gardening" part as opposed to the "Redbird" part of biz name.
4 months ago
Thanks, everyone, for your efforts - REALLY appreciate the growing interest and willingness to be so responsive to my feedback! Looking forward to seeing what keeps coming in!
4 months ago
Thank you again, everyone! I'm slowly walking through all the revisions. Thanks!
3 months ago
Huge thanks to everyone for the awesome participation! I'm currently reviewing and updating ranking on all the submissions. Appreciate your commitment to helping me brand my new biz!
3 months ago
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