Hi, How are you?
Do you have the latest information/next steps?
If you have questions, requests and other latest information, let me know. I will do it. :)
Thank you so much!
Please check the latest designs I uploaded ( #247, #248, #249, and #250 ). By making "gardening" bigger.
If you have any latest feedback, Please let me know! Thank you!
Okay, this is better in terms of font size on all version for "gardening." I'm thinking it might just need to be a bit larger yet. Could you send me a round showing a bit larger of "gardening" only on 242, 243, 244, 245? Thanks!
Hi, Thanks for some feedback and also the updates you provided.
Please check out the latest designs I uploaded ( #242, #243, #244, #245, and #246 ).
If you have any questions, requests, and updates. Please let me know! Thank you! Anna
Would love to see this version with the design element (bird/plants) on the opposite side as in 162 and addressing the font size of "gardening." Thanks!
I believe I'm liking this version with the bird facing to the left a bit more than when it's facing to the right. That said, I'm keeping them ALL in the running as of right now. Same thoughts on the font size of "gardening." Thanks!
Hi, Anna! Sorry for all these messages. I'm playing around with application right now and have a few concerns about the font size of "gardening" in the designs. My fear is that it may be a bit difficult to read in a signature line of an email or on a biz card. Any thoughts to seeing how an adjustment to the font size of "gardening" might work? Or, maybe it's adding a slight bf to "gardening" - thoughts on that? I'd love to see another version or two regarding that. Thanks!
Hi, Anna! Okay, my next question. Professional thoughts on this font style vs what we did for 107 and 109? Same uses apply as I mentioned in 107 message. Thanks!
Hi, Anna! Looks like we're on to the next phase. :-) So, I don't necessarily have requests for design changes to #107 and #109. Rather, a few questions about applicability of the logo.
I believe the difference between 107 and 109 is the font size? Am I correct on that? And, if so, what is your feedback on the appropriate font size of the two for use in business cards, social media, website and yard signs? Thanks!
Hi, Thanks for checking out some of the revised designs, and variations I uploaded. Do you have any updates/next steps?
If you have any other questions, requests, and updates, let me know. I will. :) Thanks!
Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you so much! :)
Okay, here is an additional thought on this version. What are your thoughts on incorporating a font style (sorry I don't know the font style name) similar to the third example of file uploads I included in the initial project summary? Looks like it's the landscape company from Australia. Thanks!
Thank you also for checking, and providing ratings. For some revision and variation designs that I uploaded.
If you have any suggestions, questions, and latest information. Let me know! So I can do and give the best design for your business. Thank you!
Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you so much! :)
Hi, Anna! Love the direction on this one. would love to see this (or a few versions) with a cleaner font and maybe a significant decrease in the size of the bird with maybe the bird incorporated into the plant feature part of the design element? I do like the house as I think it drives home the residential focus of the biz. Also, love the stacked text in the biz name.
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Thanks for reaching out. I'm taking these next few hours to finalize the ranking. No new designs/variations needed at this point. I appreciate you!
Do you have the latest information/next steps?
If you have questions, requests and other latest information, let me know. I will do it. :)
Thank you so much!
Please check the latest designs I uploaded ( #247, #248, #249, and #250 ). By making "gardening" bigger.
If you have any latest feedback, Please let me know! Thank you!
Okay, this is better in terms of font size on all version for "gardening." I'm thinking it might just need to be a bit larger yet. Could you send me a round showing a bit larger of "gardening" only on 242, 243, 244, 245? Thanks!
Please check out the latest designs I uploaded ( #242, #243, #244, #245, and #246 ).
If you have any questions, requests, and updates. Please let me know! Thank you! Anna
I believe the difference between 107 and 109 is the font size? Am I correct on that? And, if so, what is your feedback on the appropriate font size of the two for use in business cards, social media, website and yard signs? Thanks!
Thank you! :)
If you have any other questions, requests, and updates, let me know. I will. :) Thanks!
Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you so much! :)
If you have any suggestions, questions, and latest information. Let me know! So I can do and give the best design for your business. Thank you!
Please check. I've uploaded some new designs. If you have any feedback, and other suggestions. you can contact me. And I will immediately make revisions in the direction you want. Thank you so much! :)