RecruitBuddyLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / RecruitBuddy RecruitBuddy has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 124 designs from 32 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by RoD.E-sign Return to Contest Return to Contest New #9 Withdrawn Prefers others. #8 Prefers others. #3 Withdrawn Prefers others. #2 Discussion RoD.E-sign Logo Designer Using of the colours orange and purple, trendy and dynamic ( France: EDF, SNCF), the little pictogram shows the sector you are in and the arrow describes the fact your company is moving forward, looking at the future(This comment references Entry #2) 16 years ago RoD.E-sign Logo Designer Y put as normal, colours more formal, if any queries just ask ^.(This comment references Entry #8) 16 years ago RoD.E-sign Logo Designer the same, modification of height(This comment references Entry #9) 16 years ago