Records MarineLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Records Marine

Records Marine has selected their winning logo design.

For $875 they received 1197 designs from 113 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Technical Solutions Hub
What We Do
Brand represent multipurpose shipping industry global database

Target audience are all kinds of shipping industry professionals such as seaman (all ranks), management companies (technical/maritime/crew etc), different kinds of service companies (forwarding, bunkering, supply etc.), factories, manufacturers and shipyards.

Centralized, secure, and user-friendly online platform for the marine industry. It is designed to serve various stakeholders within the marine sector, including shipyards, supply chains, services, crew management, and port agencies, by providing a comprehensive digital hub. This platform intends to facilitate industry-related information access, ensure secure interactions through robust cybersecurity measures, and support communication and transactions via a multilingual portal. The target audience encompasses a wide range of marine industry participants seeking efficient, s
Color Preferences
Blue, Green, White, Grey
Can be Gradient

Color codes used for the website: #64C0E7 #7BD5CA #A3E7C7 #8FF1BB
Our Ideas & Additional Information
IMPORTANT: The below description is in no way to bind your creativity, this was just some ideas. Please refer to the Description for inspiration.

currently we have a temporary placeholder on the

which means a combination of:
R - vessel in movement (but initial idea was book since Records to be kept there)
M - vessel in dock (like this
Style Inspiration


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