Forgive me, Just can make your revisions.
I've made the most of your request :
- Changing the color black in the figure with other colors, I try with navy blue.
- Make a color difference in the initial letter "R" in the text "Rare".
- Make an example of using Odd color.
- Create the all black version.
But there are some things I do not understand.
There are a few questions for you :
1. Can you explain, "Send across six other examples ..."?
Because too many design revisions that I have indicated to you, I became confused, what do you mean by "Send across six examples of" is.
Maybe you can show the designs, with hastag numbers as an example :
2. Can you give details about the "odd color" ?? Maybe such as: Red "odd color," green "odd color" and yellow "odd color" or so forth. Because I have a color palette color, with varying colors that odd color. I could not give all the colors here. And actually I have given an example of using the color odd color on entry
But there was no response from you, how about the colors that I asked it.
Forgive me for this incomprehension.
I just want, then this walk is not too complicated and confusing. Thank you, please check my revisions.