Thank you for your entry. We like #11 the most. The orange and green pleasantly surprised us. We also like how you’ve arranged the text. There is an existing landscape architecture company that we’ve seen with a very similar logo, though. I’ve been racking my brain all day trying to remember who it is, just to make sure this is different enough but I can’t remember exactly who they are. It’s driving me crazy! I’ll keep looking. Overall we like you’re style and would be interested in seeing anything else you might come up with.
Sounds great. Thanks for the feedback. Orange and green together remind me of outside and landscapes. I love the color combination (personally). Glad you liked it too. I will come up with some more concepts for you tomorrow. I've been brainstorming on your contest since yesterday. I read you really wanted a logo design with a icon or emblem mark - correct?
Yes, that is correct. We love the designs that you are currently doing for Little Oak! That style is very appealing to us. The icon, the use of the line, the pop of color…just beautiful. Could you show us one in that direction?
Okay, great. I came up with a couple concepts yesterday and forgot to upload them. I will upload them shortly. I will work on some other ones this afternoon that look more like the Little Oak contest. Thanks for the great feedback, it helps me realize your vision. =)
#73 my concept was to use a fingerprint as the bush of a tree top. I can refine this concept more if you like it. I can put it on top of the branches and refine it in other ways. Fingerprint in your logo symbolizing the fact that your land designs are the fingerprint of their yard...
Thank you for your new designs and responses. It really helps this process! Thank you also for the tip about how to rank and discard. We’ll do some housekeeping. So, we’re not crazy about #71 and #72. With regards to #73, it’s funny, but we love the tiny leaf at the bottom. We also like the color and line thickness gradation. My husband actually has a thumb print incorporated into the design of his personal portfolio so we’d rather not use that again. But we would be interested in seeing the layout of the text rearranged differently, incorporating a thin line in somewhere, and keeping that tiny leaf. Maybe something more left to right vs. up and down. Could we also see the font for R&R a little more fancy? How do you think it would look, and read, if we tried using a “+” instead of an &? Just throwing that out there…Thanks!
Okay, I have brainstormed and designed some concepts that are more like the Little Oak contest comps. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts. I tried to use a very modern and sleek color combination as well. ;0)
Is the name of your business finalized? I thought R2 (squared) would be cool and modern. Just throwing that out there. I am still in the processing of some other comps for you and I will upload them soon here.....
I hope I don’t sound like a broken record, but we want you to know how much we appreciate you for taking the time to work with us so well and for all of your designs! We’ve pulled #102, #96, #117 and #120 as our 4 favorite designs that you’ve created. In general we’d first like to comment back on what fonts we like the most that you’ve used for each of the different texts…
“R” - #117 (We prefer this font as apposed to the more modern fonts.) “Land Design Studio” - #117, #99 and #11 Ampersand - #95 (we also like #92 and #91 that we’ve seen on other designs)
*We realize that these font combinations might not look well combined with each other, but we hope this helps define our preferences.
With regards to #102, could we see the R&R fonts differently and the line separating the icon and text darker?
On entry #96 we’d like to see different fonts and the land moved down to the bottom line.
On entry #117 would you mind changing the leaves to something more a-symmetrical? We’d like to see the two bottom left leaves erased and the one top right leaf erased. What are your thoughts on that?
Lastly, could you make the Land Design Studio font larger on #120? (Not bigger than the and font size, though) This is a fun design using the word “and” vs. the ampersand.
We’ve recently shown some people our tournament designs and we’ve received a lot of good comments about your entry #98. The color and fonts just aren’t our favorite though. Could we see it with different fonts and colors?
Also, I’m not sure if this is appropriate to ask, but you’ve done a design for Little Oak that we particularly like, entry #11. If that concept is not chosen may we see a design using the tree icon that you’ve created? That is totally fine, though, if you would rather not recycle that design. Just thought I’d ask.
That's great. I saw you moved it up. #98 was one of my favorites too. I will make some changes to it and a few others and refine them more. I agree the font doesn't do it justice.
On Little Oak I have no problem pulling the design from there and converting it for your contest. The CH on that contest hasn't even ranked any designs and/or given any feedback. I would rather use the design where it would have a chance to win.
I will work on all these now and get some new designs uploading soon!
I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. For the last day and half we’ve been talking about your top 4 ranked designs and I’ve been trying to determine the best way to comment back with all of our thoughts. What we love about these logos is that they are timeless, clean, professional, well designed and beautiful.
As a general comment we’d still like to see some different fonts for the R’s. We haven’t seen one that we love yet. There was a contest done that had a lot of fonts that we liked… In particular the fonts that we liked in this contest are as follows Ranked 23 – I like this serif font. It has a nice thickness. Ranked 27th & 30th – We like all of the fonts used on these designs. Our preference would be to have the R’s in a serif font and the Land Design Studio in sans-serif font.
#139 – This is the design that my husband and I both really like. We absolutely love the colors you’ve used here and, of course, we really like the icon. As discussed above we’re not sold on the font for the R’s. Also, how do you think this design will look in black and white? I’m worried that it will be really heavy. Is there a version of this design that could be created specifically for B&W? If you think that won’t be a problem then we’d like to see this design with a few additions. Could you darken the gray used at the base of the tree just a tiny bit? We don’t want it to be too heavy, but we also want the tree to pop out a bit more. Could you also add darker green into the canopy of the tree in just a few places? We’d like it to be the same green just darker and only as an accent, keep the dominate color used the original green. The thin line and the Land Design Studio are very faint and difficult to read. Could you increase the size of the bottom text? It is ok if it goes past the R’s. Do you think it would read better with a darker color? I really like this layout, but my husband would like to see this design using the layout of #98. He likes the way you’ve stacked the Land Design Text.
#96 – This is my second favorite design of yours. (My husband’s number 2 is #102) Out of the three variations of this design we prefer the colors you’ve used in #96, but we don’t love them the way we love the colors in #139. (But I won’t worry about colors so much right now.) We like the text layout of #137 the best, but still want to see different R fonts. In both #102 and #137 we like how you’ve accented just one of the bottom words with color. (We prefer it with the Design accented.) Again, my husband would like to see this design laid out like #98.
That might have just been too much feedback. :) Sorry. Ultimately , our biggest thing is finding a font that we love with these designs. Thanks you!!
Unfortunately I can not look at the fonts from the Lindsey Contest. The designer has withdrawn his entries from that contest. If you have any examples of fonts from open contests - let me know. Meantime, I will try to come up with a great serif one for the R&R. ;0)
Here it is in black & white to show that it works well! We can also use more black if we want it to be darker. But this is just to show it will work! ;0)
Okay, there they are all for now. Please mark the ones you don't like (in this bunch and the earlier ones) with "not interested". That helps keep your board and my board clean.
Out of these, please piece together your favorite parts and from there we should be able to make the best one. If you like the font for R&R in one and the coloring scheme in another one with the icon from another - let me know and I will piece them together to make your favorite one.
Ok…after looking over everything, and printing out small images, we like the acorn design. There is something about it that we keep coming back to. Although, we’ve been wondering what it would look like with a short, fat, stem (or nub) popping of the top. Is that something that you might be willing to show us? Nothing that looks too realistic, but rather keeps with the shapes that you’re using. If it is a bad idea, feel free to say so! We can take it :)
Now to the business at hand, below are the pieces that we would like to see together… #149 – Image, line and R&R font. We also like the two gray and one green color combination. #150 – “Land Design Studio” font. We like the size, spacing and color change on “Design”.
With regards to color R’s – Dark Gray & - Green Land Studio – Dark Gray Design – Green
Do you think this will look too gray?
Thank you for all of the font choices. It was incredibly helpful. We are looking forward to seeing this design pieced together!
We prefer #178. But, instead of the drop shadow on the R's could you add the shadow under the acorn like we have seen in past designs. That looked nice. Also, could you move the green to "Studio" instead of "Design". I thought it would make the design pop, but it kind of makes it disappear. Thanks!
Good Morning. It was brought to my attention that the tree logo I designed was close to an existing logo, so I had to withdraw it. If you still want a look like that then I will need to start over from scratch. Let me know. If think you like the #1 ranked design then we won't worry about the other one. Here it is with the shadow added in two different ways... working on the acorn part next.
It me again…with regards to #232 (Black and White) could you reverse the colors for the R’s and “&”. It feels like the ampersand is dominating the name too much. I think it might balance the black leaf out a bit more, as well. What are your thoughts?
I was looking at the design with the dark gray background and thought the shadow below should be green and not gray. it looks way better! Let me know your thoughts. ;0)