I hope I don’t sound like a broken record, but we want you to know how much we appreciate you for taking the time to work with us so well and for all of your designs! We’ve pulled #102, #96, #117 and #120 as our 4 favorite designs that you’ve created. In general we’d first like to comment back on what fonts we like the most that you’ve used for each of the different texts…
“R” - #117 (We prefer this font as apposed to the more modern fonts.)
“Land Design Studio” - #117, #99 and #11
Ampersand - #95 (we also like #92 and
#91 that we’ve seen on other designs)
*We realize that these font combinations might not look well combined with each other, but we hope this helps define our preferences.
With regards to #102, could we see the R&R fonts differently and the line separating the icon and text darker?
On entry #96 we’d like to see different fonts and the land moved down to the bottom line.
On entry #117 would you mind changing the leaves to something more a-symmetrical? We’d like to see the two bottom left leaves erased and the one top right leaf erased. What are your thoughts on that?
Lastly, could you make the Land Design Studio font larger on #120? (Not bigger than the and font size, though) This is a fun design using the word “and” vs. the ampersand.
Thanks again.