Quicky Sites is a web based business that provides individuals with template based web sites that feature the Wordpress Content Management System. Lead by custom web design and development professionals, Quicky Sites offer an affordable web solution for small businesses, bloggers, non-profits, and more. The best part? Our clients can get their feet wet in the content management system world and rest easy knowing they didn't invest a ton of money, and upgrading is easy.
Remember, Quicky Sites is ran by Custom graphic designers and developers. When our customer is ready to become a client, Quicky Sites can implement a strategic online marketing tool with all the bells and whistles. We even offer a discounted rate for Quicky customers that go custom.
We are interested in a logo that is bright, simple, clean, and most importantly effective. We want someone to see this logo and immediately know they are looking at a business that offers entry level content management system web sites with an option to expand.
That goal is a tough one, but we feel like it can be mostly accomplished with a well thought out slogan.
Brand Color:
We are open to all color schemes and will most likely be rendering web mach ups as these designs pour in. We are fine with 2.0 gradient effects, but want to ensure that this logo does its job in a one or two color layout. logo elements that mean nothing visually without a gradient overlay, will not be considered.
This logo will be used on the web, print, and large format advertising.
We look forward to this tournament and are excited to be working on this project. We have ran numerous logo contests here and we look forward to seeing some of our favorite designers in on this! Good Luck and we will be in touch!
Quicky Sites
Mark and Doug Sapusek