OK, i just submitted 2 new designs as improvement from Entry #13
#42 & #43 I will explain the concept of the logo with details. I use the square with small rounded edge similar as your other logo to make it paralel. I keep the box to create link with that logo but also to create Protection concept/safety. anything inside a box give subtle safety message because it's protected.
I simplify the logo to be 2 lines each. also remove the dot. the symbol represent connectiviti and group also link between company and client. 2 arches synergy create subtle image of shake hand and support each others. It creates warm feeling to the viewer/target audience.
I upgrade the color with orange and dark brown. Because Orange can be a highligh and make the word Active become vocal. it also give warm feeling and Action. Well we know that red is the best for action feeling but orange is a warmer color.
for the font I use similar with your other logo but this one is more modern but still classy.
on Entry #43 I make a twist to the A to give accent and Forward thinking concepts. this was you can have stand alone logo and wordmark.
Thanks Keegan. The color palette I'm looking for is blue and green (and black). I don't want to repeat the same color palette from Mallery Financial.
I unranked #13 only because it's too vertical. Placing that on the website header will push the content down too low to be seen on one screen. Sorry, I should have specified that originally, but it didn't occur to me.
I don't have one clear answer to the question of what I want the viewer to remember. Part of it is just the iconic impact. My current rankings reflect my preferences, which are largely influenced by pure subjective impulse. But analytically, what I want is 1) something iconic (Nike swoosh), 2) a general parallel structure with Mallery Financial, 3) different color palette from Mallery Financial. Conceptually I want to convey quality/reliability (solid, professional); action, dynamic (proactive).
I want to avoid an ultrahigh-end look -- I don't want it to look expensive to work with us. It's not.
please check my newest designs #121 : proactive swoosh combined with ladder/graphic chart #122 : I make negative space of folding paper (tax paper/document) #123 : Simpler design, a tax paper and swoosh line.
Could I please see a version of #163 with caps and small caps in "ProActive"? I like that effect in some of the other submissions, more readable. The rest looks very good, can't think of asking for any specific improvements there.
I really like #194. This is the top logo, and could close the deal soon.
One last revision request. This logo development process is also part of my brand development, and I have reconsidered the use of the word "group." I have time and opportunity and am leaning toward a change to "partners." Could I please see a version based on #194 with the only change, changing "group" to "partners"? The type fitting will be a little difference, but there looks like enough room (a little loose now) to work in the available space. Again, all I need is the replacement of "group' with "partners" and any adjustment to type spacing to make that work. I like the mark/icon just as it is, tag line is good, caps & small caps for "Proactive" is good.
One last thing I noticed just now is the color of the tag line. It's a third color, not part of the regular color palette. Could I see a version with tag line in blue?
It would be ideal if you could improve the readability of the tag line. It's a little small. Maybe the existing color makes the type fade a bit. Maybe it would be helped if the type were higher (bigger type size, condensed, would give more vertical characters, but larger overall) -- not too much, has to stay balanced. All this might simply be accomplished by using blue font and caps and small caps for the tagline.
I am about to press the button naming you the winner. But I'm not sure about the process. It says they will notify you and you will provide the files. Two questions: 1) Can you/will you provide versions with transparent background? That's important if I want to use the logo against a background color (web, for example). 2) Any chance you can expedite the delivery? I am trying to jump start this start-up and need to order collateral materials, get the website up and running, etc.
Thanks. Great job. You really nailed the design. Solid, professional, good balance of genetic similarity to my other company and this one. You earned first place. Thank you so much.