My concept for your logo, a symbol with a modern take on the presbytery 'flame' and incorporating the cross. Can you let me know if you want the original Presbytery logo used in the design, and if it is able to be used (copyright issues etc)? Happy to make changes to this design, and feedback welcomed.
Hi Catherine - Thanks a ton for entering our logo tournament. I am compelled by the blue, green, red fluorish on the left and the fonts chosen. The fluorish also hints at the waters which really connect our two bodies (North Puget Sound and SE Alaska). This has a very welcoming yet stable feel to it. Regarding your questions. The Presbyterian Church USA logo can be found here: in the upper left corner. We can use the whole logo without permission. The original has red flames, blue cross/dove with white background. Your design does not come close enough to the PCUSA logo to warrant concern about copyright.
Here's a brainstorm. If you take a look at the coastal areas that connect our two regions (see the map on this page, the style/angle of the flames/fluorish could easily hint at that magnificent Northwest coastline.
Entry #19 has potential. Nice use of the coastline, that's pretty cool. However, your entry #1 has a more attractive taste or feel--the colors, flow, etc of that fluorish logo on the left is really pleasing. With entry 19 I'm wondering about a stronger color for the name Northwest Coast--the deep red maybe? What would that look like? Thanks for working on fun.
Hi - #62 and #62 as different color options, or if you prefer the 'Northwest Coast, Presbytery' wording. Could also use the green for the text if you'd prefer, but I thought the red or blue probably lend themselves more to 'Presbytery'.
This is great Catherine - Thanks for your creativity. As I was showing your logo design #1 to our other staff and a board member they all were very impressed. Something they saw in the design that I hadn't seen was that the flames, form into a sail---like a sailboat. Sailing is a big deal around here. And a boat/ship is the ancient symbol for the church. So that gives additional symbolic resonance to this design! I like having the options to use the different colors for the type. I personally like the blue for the typeface best, but would like to have options to use for different contexts. Does that make sense?
One suggestion. One of our staff mentioned that if you switched the green and blue flames it could give a poetic hint to the coast--the green being the land and the blue the water undergirded by the red--color of the Holy Spirit. Could you see if that works?
#77 with the green and blue swapped. That's great there's additional meaning to it with the sailing in your area. Yes that makes sense to use the different color typeface for different contexts.