Practice InsitesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Practice Insites

Practice Insites has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 187 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.
















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Logo Designer
Thanks for the invitation. I like your contest very much. These are my first tries for your logo.
Feedback is much appreciated.


(This comment references Entry #23)
15 years ago
Thanks for your entries. I really like how you arranged the words. That's exactly what I was thinking.
The more I look at #16, the more I like it, but it feels a little flat. Can you change the green to be more vibrant?
Is there a place for an orange accent? (I'm really drawn to green, orange and gray like #6, #21, #19.)

I like the idea of #23, but I'd prefer a light background (the green I want would be just too much).
At first I thought it was a plant because of the curlique/spiral. Maybe lessen the spiral and go with more of an outline.
So using a lightbulb, the graphic element something like #353 or #362?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback

(This comment references Entry #31)
15 years ago
I really like the new designs you posted! Off to meetings now, will give feedback in a few hours.
15 years ago
I really LOVE these designs. #35 is my new favorite, clearly in the lead at this point. What I'd like to see: use text from #34 - practice in caps, insites exactly as it is (no dots on i's, point on the t). Use the light bulb/leaf graphic from #35. On all of this, would like gradient on color as if the sun/light is from the top or upper right. I'd like to see some variations in colors, using colors like in #6, #42 (green, orange, gray). I think #34 has too much green, but I really like how the fonts are. I wonder how we could do a #35/#34 combination and have the colors feel balanced?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
revised version with your requests. Thank you for the feedback.


(This comment references Entry #47)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
different gradient on insites

(This comment references Entry #48)
15 years ago
Thanks for the updates. Getting much closer with #48, now just some fine tuning with the colors. I'd like to work in some yellowish orange, and not go quite so dark with the green at the dark part of the gradient.
Some ideas:
- have the base of the bulb in gray or orange (just saw your new posts, reading my mind!). I do like the base of the bulb not being green...

15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll submitt the design with a different green gradient shortly. Glad we're on the same wavelength!
15 years ago
Colors -
green lighter with a little more yellow, like #42, #19
I'm still not sure if "insites" should be in gray or green... If gray, a little cleaner/brighter, like #16. Or can you do a gradient like in #52? (should it be the same angle as the other gradients in the design, or do they usually contrast?)
Does "PRACTICE" need to be in a dark color since it's so small? I find myself wanting contrast between PRACTICE and insites. I love the leaf bulb, and the way the words are written... it's just those darn colors...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll get back to you with different color and gradient options and I'll try to give you as much options as I can. The gradients only contrast when they're made up of the same colors, at least that's what I believe. I'll let you see for yourself shortly.
15 years ago
Thanks for posting those, I like that green color better. And the gold base actually looks much better than gray... Looking at it, what is your favorite/recommendation for the colors on the words?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
to be honest I would go for the all grey lettering, because this way your mark on the left stands out and also the word 'insites' stands out but doesn't eclipse the mark. This way the logo is well balanced the message gets across to the audience.
It's your final view that matters, but this is the way I see it and I really want to give you the best advice I can.
Also, I will try to upload shortly a few different type choices with a subtle customisation so that your design is truly unique.

Thank you!
15 years ago
Thanks for your new designs Alex. #93 looks nice, but it's really close to something on my competitor's site. #68 and #69 are still my favorites, would like to just start refining them.
15 years ago
Color: - green: change to more like #94 (today I'm realizing that the green in ours is really yellow)
- text - I think you're right, let's go with gray lettering. Can "insites" be a touch lighter, and with a gradient or bit of a subtle shine? would like it to look less flat.
Light bulb - could it have a bit of a shine, like #94 but more subtle?
size - could the lettering be slightly larger in relation to the mark? The lettering might have to be lowered a bit - whatever works (or if this violates certain design principles, tell me).

It would be great to finish today and end the contest!
15 years ago
There you go, reading my mind again!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm available to get this done. I'll submitt the revisions according to your latest feedback in an hour max.
Thank you
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Let's work on the one you currently have ranked first. I'll apply the requests in your previous comment to that one (the ones that remain:) and we can build on that.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
first version with shine on 'insites'

(This comment references Entry #101)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
second version with gradient on 'insites'

(This comment references Entry #102)
15 years ago
great. When I said shine on the "bulb," i actually meant leaf. Sorry!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
:)) third time ...i just posted a version with shine on the leaf and then I read your comment. SO I should remove the shine on the base?
15 years ago
shine on leaf looks great, and now that it's there i prefer it on the base too.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
you have it in entry #103
15 years ago
can you try one with the leaf just a touch higher and to the left in relation to the base? It seems to be too close and off center... okay, maybe not off center, but a touch too close.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
right away
One question though, do you prefer the shine on the wording or just the dark gray to light gray gradient?
15 years ago
I'm torn about the shine. I like the energy it brings, but somehow it doesn't look right. what are your thoughts?
15 years ago
what if there's no gradient, but shine like in #94 by Likar? (doesn't look like there's a gradient there)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll try different angles and shapes. It has to somehow match the shine on the leaf and base, I'm a 3D designer also and it probably would look better, because this way you have ONE virtual light source on the top right that shines on all elements of the logo.
I'll submit right away.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
2 new versions according to your suggestions: #105 and #106
15 years ago
Logo Designer
more arched

(This comment references Entry #107)
15 years ago
Great. Those are my favorites, and now it's hard to decide! I think I like 105 the best because it's lighter, and the angle isn't distracting. Okay, or 108.

If you were to pick between 105-108, what would you choose?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I would go for #105 all the way :) for the same reasons you mentioned
15 years ago
Good. Now I just want to get feedback from a few people. How late are you available for messages tonight? I would love to be able to close the contest early.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm available for the next 7-8 hours and will be online on LT
15 years ago
Great! I'll be in touch after I get some feedback. I'm so excited!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Looking forward and I am glad to help
15 years ago
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