Magi, thank you for the entry. I like simple clear and logical - I think the active creation tag gets too small here and I do want the "logical" aspect to also include a little bit of - " It is very efficient but unexpected"
MAGI, thank you for the new designs. I've selected the ones that I prefer. I like the new approaches, but generally think that the black graphic element is too overpowering. I like the 3 concepts - scatter, thought bubble and polymorph, but feel that they will need to be economically engaged with the text to get the right effect. Please stay away from anything that resembles decay or "oil spill". The polymorph planes has potential, but if it looks too much like an architectural model I think it is a problem.
we just looked over your new submissions as a group and they were very well received. Above comments still apply. Here are some detail notes
#168 is the clear favorite. Let's focus on that direction. We like its association with a thought bubble or bubble diagram of overlapping ideas. We like the randomness and mix of major and minor bubbles - scale is good. We'd like to see some alternative bubble variations - as well as versions where the ACTIVE CREATION tag is stacked as in #171.
One thing that is a little awkward is the white space between the two Cs - it looks like it's trying to do something rather than being part of the random field, like it's a comma - please avoid that.
Thank you again. We really like this direction and the options it opens up. Ultimately we may use more than one bubble-blob with consistent text to show that things are in flux.
#180 Comic like "boom" #181 Bubbles (and face - 2 eyes and big mouth) #182 Flow of ideas, inventions... #183 I tried to symbolize movement. There is smudged finger print (which means uniqueness) and also symbolize creative work with hands. #184 I canceled spaces between Cs. And tried to more connect text with backgroud image ( lines are created from shape of letters )
Now i am going to try some new bubble variants as you wished :))
MAGI, thank you for the new concepts - I will spend some time with them now, but am very much looking forward to seeing the bubble variants. No need to change the concept of the bubbles or the font, just new arrangements of bubbles.
The variations I'd like to see should make me look at the set and think that they are all very similar to the original, just variations as if there was an animation as the bubbles expanded and shifted and these are each still frames from the animation showing it in different states.
These new ones are very helpful, a good opposite end of the spectrum, but too minimal. Something in between #168 and #186. More bubbles and randomness than #186, which is quite good. Maybe the ONE big circle is a little too formal.
I like the surprise use of a bubble for the "o" in active creation. Don't like the 1/4 bubble cut off in the corner because that creates an end point we don't need. It should work in an open white field.
Very good response to the specific feedback as you gave exactly what I asked for. Now it's just a matter of looking at different ink blots until we have the right balance.
MAGI, you are a dynamo. Just don't wear yourself out. We need you to the end. I think the new ones are fresh, but I'm still looking between #168 and #186. The new ones are more complex in number of bubbles but also more conservative because it's really one big circle and the text is no longer a knock-out from the field.
I like Prac knocked out of the bubble field. And I like an amorphous field of bubbles with some creative chaos to it, like many ideas floating and overlapping.
In #187, I wish the bubble holding the first C wasn't so carefully placed like a frame. The word should punch through the randomness, not control it.
One thing I like about #182 is that the "lacework" space of the field interacts with the PRAC which is readable but comes in and out of the background.
Keep pitching bubbles and I'll let you know what I think. You have seen my feedback on the last set, yes?
New one is still too stable. What we loved about the first entry #168 was the sense of randomness. this is what it had over other "circle" designs. Looking for just the right blend of random. #186, #187 are still pretty good. More bubbles should not mean carefully organized bubbles.
#199 - Good. Back in the right direction. If #168 were on the left of a spectrum and #187 were on the right. I think we want something in between. I would say that #199 is to the left of #168 - more complex, too many little bubbles. I also like the sense of movement in #168 and the off kilter balance of #186. #199 is spread out evenly - too evenly. #168 seems to be moving to the right, like an octopus.
I'm thinking that the best thing is to stack top/bottom "active creation" as in #187
Maybe a good approach would be to go back to #187 and move it around a little. Or, if this is a pain laying out the logo. Just create a handful of bubble fields with NO TEXT and I can point to what I'm talking about.
MAGI, thank you these are very good takes. I like #227 for the bubble form and the placement of ACTIVE CREATION. I don't like the round edges of the font. Prefer the font in #230, but think there must be a font that has an even more CIRCULAR shape for the C - sorry if that was not clear. Looking for a clean hard edged font with a C that is more like a circle to play off the bubbles.
A few details... some of the small circles could be eliminated, some could be smaller to give a sense of splatter - we just don't want it to be too much.
I actually like #230 very much but prefer the ACTIVE CREATION stacked with a bubble for the O - I like that. #230 is more simple and just about right, but still a little too composed around the one big bubble. Something between #227 and #230 is the sweet spot.
My main concern at this point is finding the right font. Century Gothic has the right kind of C. and there must be others. Just no soft round edges.
#306 #307 #308 #310 I tried new way. I created very simple design where arrows splits Cs and represents A.
#309 Also i created version with arrows. Client adumbrates direction, let Praccis create and Praccis produces lots of ideas, conceptions and realizations.