I really like the shift and playing with the double C #69. Also the lined C in #70.
I would like to see #70 with a slightly heavier font that will all a bolder, scratchier marked C. I would also like to see any other thoughts using the "step down" as in #69
I received some very good feedback on your #70. the striping/scratching gives a nice separation between the C's - Would be very interested in font & scratch variations on this one.
note: the 3D tube was fun, but if it's read as a single C we are back to people saying PraCis - which is something we want to avoid.
Thank you for the new variations. #70 is a major contender. The variation #114 a little too thick/conventional. The 4-color C in #112 is a nice touch. Rankings are very unstable at this point. The "scratched" C is very appealing but #70 right now has the best font. Right now each has more of a "striped" variation than a "scratched" variation. I would like to see something less even/formal.
I like the blow out of #85, though the "C" looks like the curve on top is missing. Gives it a little "punched in the nose" look. If this is the eye-catching part of the logo, I wouldn't want the C to look awkward standing alone.
I'd like to see this treatment given to the #70 font or a font somewhere between the two. Thanks for the very interesting submissions.
gave two increasing thicknesses and tried to keep the shape of the "C" intact. added a bit more "spray". I really appreciate your guidance and suggestions so please just let me know what else you'd like to see.