I like the feel of this logo. I get the feeling of speed and dependability I'm looking for. It is a little complicated with the post bag. It may be hard to translate in an identifiable way to the majority or our clients. Perhaps lose the bag. Also the hat looks like a police cap... Not bad to be a cop, just not who a skater wants to run into. I was thinking perhaps a square brim? Also go check out www.velozdh.com there you will find some of our product. We own that company and all product on that site. Feel free to use whatever is helpful.
I like the feel of the first logos. Perhaps bring back the mail bag but a further distance from the body. I think a little separation from the body will help it's identity. I thought the stamps or whatever flying out was cool. Perhaps try a ball cap. In the 50s they had a cap with the front of the bill flat. It looks like they cut off the the first inch of the brim in a line... Let me know if that's not clear...
I still like #1 the best. I like the US Postal feeling it carries. The skate helmet isn't bad, but I do like the official feeling of the "cop hat". I don't care for the postal skate in the board.