Love it. We're not hung up on the purple. We started out tying it in with grape but we're open to other bright colors. The Ice Jam is a shaved ice product, could we fill up his cup a little, like the top of a sno-cone? And can we fit in the slogan underneath? "Eat at Poppy's, we're all nuts" Thanks!
You are responsive! Can we try a bowling shirt and some baggy shorts? Lose the hat and give him a flat top haircut? Would you be avail to support changes for this artwork in the future?
I can absolutely throw a bowling shirt on him and some baggy shorts and give him a flat top haircut.
And I will certainly be available for changes to this artwork in the future! :)
For the changes listed above, I'll work on those tonight and will try to have something up by tonight...but I will for sure have it uploaded ready for your review tomorrow mid-morning.
#40 Can we "bring it all in" to centralize everything if that makes sense. Could we have "Poppy" standing behind a sign that said "Poppy's..."? Perhaps leaning forward onto the sign with his treats in hand. I'll be glad to expound if I can. ;)
Great, nutty morning ;) I love the guy. I could def go with a dif sign and maybe a font type that a little more "fun". I think the baggy shorts are key, my grandfather wore them ALL the time. I do like the purples and reds that I've been seeing. Thanks.
Fantastic! How many colors would this be considered for print? For example the winning logo will be going immediately to print on t-shirts, service ware and marketing materials as well as web. I know overall cost is affected by number of colors.
This would be considered a 4 color print which would be CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). Between those 4 colors, all colors can be made in print.
When you go to the printer, you can tell them that you have a full color illustration that you'll need printed, they will know to print with CMYK and they will price accordingly
Great, thanks for the clarification. Two little tweaks if I may be so bold. The sandwich needs some (pea)nut butter and our Ice Jams are all natural so we don't have any blue ones. We'd hate for anyone to be disappointed that they didn't get a blue one ;) so if we can make that more of purple/red I guess, that's a pretty general berry type color. If you have to change the the stripes on his accordingly, feel free to do so. Thanks! My boys and co-workers love this guy!
I'm so happy that your boys and co-workers are loving it! (hi guys and gals). I'm glad that the work that I am doing can bring them a smile. :)
I have added in the peanut butter to the sandwich and I have made the Ice Jame into a reddish berry color. I have to say, I am one of those that would be disappointed if I didn't get a blue drink! :) If you need me to change the Ice Jam color again, just let me know, I want to make sure that I use a color that is in line with what you offer. :)
I changed the stripe on Poppy's shirt to the blue that the Ice Jam was. :)
Hey slinkyart. Could we try the "sign" with the text having a little bit more a look like in #57? I hope I'm violating some unwritten rule among designers ;)
Looking GREAT! Just to give you an idea of what I'm chasing after is the ability to pull "Poppy" out of the image for various print uses such as cups and service items and still have a recognizable presence. Does that make sense?
Alright, I think we're good. There's something about the glasses that's a little off that I'm trying to pinpoint. Can we try some basic black frames more traditional shape then round? I'm also interested in getting some info on getting a site started. It will be an "evolution" as we grow as a company. In the immediate future, we'd be looking for a site with all of the standard brochure components with some flash and pizazz as we develop our strategy for the complete site. I am truly thrilled to have come across your work here, it's exactly what I had hoped for.
Oh, and by the way, on the one with the green sign, I have at the bottom "Est. 2005"...if you want that at the bottom, what is the official year your company started?