Hi, Entry 35: Has real appeal with the symbol in there. I think the font is fresh and really pulls the design together. Not really any suggestions only that if you have any other symbol ideas I'd be interested to see them. Entry 26: Like the simplicity to this logo. Just a couple of things I wouldn't mind seeing, the word 'print' slightly darker outline, also if possible could you try some blue shadowing within the crosses and if you think it works i like the idea of some soft frosting in the main text. Nice Work, Ben
Hi, Entry #48 is looking very good. Can you just try one thing and keep all the design features of this logo but use the font you used in #26 to see how that looks? And swap the colours of the crosses so the blue is on the right and grey on the left also? Thanks.
Hi, Thanks for doing that. As it progresses your entry #35 is appealing more as we like the symbol you've come up with. Would be interested to see the symbol define the 'b' and 'p' more if possible. Otherwise very much what we're maybe looking for. Ben
Hi, Really liking #91. Just one thing, if you could try removing the top little stroke on the grey inner circle so it looks more like a 'p', so it just has the stroke coming off the bottom of the circle. Definitely on the right track! Thanks.
HI, Thanks for your patience. We are very close to making a decision, if you could make a couple of final changes to help us make our mind up it would be much appreciated. With entry #94 could you replace the 'blueprint deign & draft' text with the same text from entry #54 as we prefer the colours and glow through the text from that enty. Then could you match the colours in the symbol please. Thanks for all your work, Ben
Hi, We have decided and will make it official shortly that we are going to use your logo as our winning design. Thank you in your professionalism in making changes and the final product we have selected, we've been most impressed. We have a few final alteration that we'd like to see to bring it all together. Could you use the exact text of 'blueprint' from entry #119 with the symbol of entry #120 as we feel the colours match up slightly better. Finally could you make the 'design & draft' text underneath a couple of shades darker (not bold) just so it slightly more visable. Regards, Ben
Thanks, that looks awesome! We are going to go with #128. Just wanted to check with you if it is possible to get the logo in a few different files so we can use it in different ways: 1. The logo as it is in #128 2. The logo stacked ie. the symbol above the text, like the layout in your entry #36 3. The symbol by itself If so this would be great, otherwise is it easy enough to be edited by us in these ways?
Also can you tell me the name of the fonts used for 'blueprint' and 'design & draft' so we can use them to match.
thanks benmc yes you can get everything, and I shall send it via email, in because in logotournament can only send 2 file format is JPG and EPS. and if later there are changes or other requests about the logo we can send each other e-mails