Regarding #1 could you make the image at the front be approximately the same size as the text. It looks a little large at the front.
Also, could you try #1 with other colors in place of the blue? we like the two color design, so keep the black the same, just try the same design but other colors for the blue, perhaps try it in: green, purple, red.
#4, #33, and #32 are too "patriotic" as we will eventually have a global following. Is it possible for you to make #1 have the image and text be the same height? You're doing a great job, thank you!
Thank you for doing those that way. #85 looks really good. Is the size of the icon on the left in #85 the same as the icon in #2? Looking at them, #85 looks smaller than #2, could you make #85 have a slightly smaller icon? Also, are the white parts of the icon actually white or are they see transparent? They need to be white as it will be put on different color backgrounds. Thanks.
Can you re-color #85 with the blue half of the "guy" to be black, the background to be blue, the top half to stay orange, and there be no white outline around them?
Also, Can you make two other versions, one of #85 without the line in the middle separating the person, and then one that the line looks like a business tie.
#88 - with smaller icon #89 - on darker background #90 - icon blue background and with suggested changes #91 - without middle line #92 - with tie in center
#92 Thank you. Can you get rid of the white outline on the bottom and fill in the bottom half of the "P"s with blue so it identifies more like a podium? You can also get rid of the blue line at the bottom. Thanks.
You will get final files as per the guidelines of LT....
You will get .eps vector file and a .jpg file in 1000px X 800px width...
.eps file is open "vector" file and you can enlarge it to any size you want. You will need Adobe Illustrator software or any application which can open .eps file........
Let me know if you have any queries.
meanwhile i am working on your latest suggestion and will submit revised entry soon.
For #94 please try it without the white outline going to the edge of the box. Have the box completely surrounding the figure inside it.
Also, please try a brighter color for the box around the figure, something that is a little happier than grey. Feel free to try different colors. The main goal is to have a stark contrast in colors between the person above and the podium below.
We are definitely looking forward to the edits, I think everything is progressing great!
Can you make #93 have a brighter background with other colors (maybe a green, red, or baby blue) instead and possibly close off the edges with a thin border? It appears the icon has the same height and width, can you confirm that the dimensions are 1X1 so that it makes an even square?
Thank you, except there was a little confusion, can you replace the grey background on top and bottom within the square and make it a brighter color that will pop nicely with the orange and blue. Maybe do this to #93? Thank you.
Possible final revision: Make #93 have a 2 pixel border in the blue color that goes around each corner so that it ends 2 pixels from the head, from the left and right, and from the base at the bottom, to give a separation effect.
Hello, Not sure if you saw this one "Make #93 have a 2 pixel border in the blue color that goes around each corner so that it ends 2 pixels from the head, from the left and right, and from the base at the bottom,(so it is NOT continuous all the way around) to give a separation effect." Please also remove any grey, all open areas within the border should just be white"
Also, for #103 please make all Grey areas into white areas. (REMOVE ALL GREY)
They keep looking better and Better! Thanks for all your hard work!
What we want is for #105 to be our logo with print, web, etc. while using the creative square to be our mobile icon. By any chance, do you know if your square border has the same corner angles for iOS device icons?
I think yes we have the size circular border for iOS system setting icon and Photogallery icon are different .....
You will get all final files as per the guidelines of LT .eps file is open Vector file which you can use to generate iOS icon size using Adobe Illustrator software....... and .jpg file.