Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:
~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is Private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page:
https://logotournament.com/portfolio~~ If you are requesting a design that could possibly require designers to invest more time creating it than other concepts, for best results the prize should be at least $400-$500. Please note: "Character" style logos fall into this category.
~~ Leave private feedback by clicking on a design. Feedback will be made public upon contest completion.
~~ When you provide feedback to designers, you increase the chances of getting the logo you want. More feedback = better results!
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested." We'd like to know what you don't want so we can give you the design you do want.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked 1st - 10th. We like to earn points.
~~ The first phase of the contest is the "Open" phase, and everyone can submit during that time.
~~ After your contest's initial "Open" phase closes, it will enter the "Top 5" phase; only the designers of top 5 ranked designs will be able to submit revisions at that time.
~~ When "Top 5" ends, the "Judging" phase begins. The designer of the 1st ranked design will be the only designer who can submit revisions at that time.
More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:
https://logotournament.com/forum/general_discussion/914You can also look in: