Many thanks for this fantastic first entry. It's great to see a whole new concept. My partner is on the road all day today so I will provide more feedback once I talk to him. The only thing I might say, is that we are looking for a mix between modern and traditional, and on this particular entry, there way be just a bit too much of a traditional feel. Maybe less brown and beige, more vibrant and warm colors as well.
Again, thanks very much for your work and I wil provide more feedback from my partner tonight.
Still no word from partner.. I think he may have gotten lost (he's on a business trip in the middle of nowhere) ;-) So in the meantime, I'll give you already my feedback on #63, and hope that anything he will say later will not contradict me... ;-)
- The colors work much better. They look a bit "washed out" for some reason though. Any way to increase a bit the saturation / make them more vibrant ?
- The fact that you lost the "rope" effect at the top is good.
- Could we try a sunrise effect on the sky ?
- The overall feeling still lacks a bit of a modern touch. I think it's the pirate who looks a bit too "old school". This is just some stupid idea I just had while typing: what if we replaced the pirate's hat with one of those yellow hard hats you can see on enginners and workers in industrial areas ? (and keep the pirate skull on it) ? Again, my idea may be stupid. Anything else you may come up with is welcome. But the idea is to create just a bit more of a modern impact.
One last small comment: the container looks a bit old or "used" / worn out. Can you try to give it a bit more of a "brand new" feeling ? Also try removing the pirate skull on it, we already have a strong pirate image with the pirate character. Finally, while you're at it maybe just try another color than red on it. The red is OK, but that will also just allow to see another option.
Thanks so much for this round of changes. I really love the new container and the colors inside the scene medallion. That purplish / pinkish sunset looks great. I think the yellow hat works well too.
The only thing now is the colors on the top border and the lower "ribbon". Could we please try the following:
1) Make the top dark orange border a bit lighter orange (more or less like a #FFCC00 or so) 2) Make the part that is currently green also orange along the same tones (I realize you may need to go a bit darker on that part so the white text will be readable), but keep a slight gradient effect like you had on the green. 3) Make the part that is currently purple.... whatever you think it needs to be once you've done 1) and 2)
Wow... you're fast ! All 3 versions work really well and the fact that you used one of the colors already in the rest of the design creates a very nice general harmony. It was really hard picking the one I liked best, but I think #81 matching the sea has the overall nicest, most vibrant feel.
Congratulations, you've moved up to 2nd position with this one ! Although, to be fully honest, all 3 designs in the top 3 spots are really nice and are potential winners. My partner has managed to get his Internet access working at the hotel and I will be discussing with him over the week-end. As I said before, he's the one paying the bills, so in the end, it will be his decision ;-)
All my sincerest thanks again for your great creative work, professionalism and availability.
David, thanks so much for your comment. I just wanted to give you a fresh option, something really memorable. I think people will remember a pirate character. I believe this logo is easy to remember and easy to relate to your company. It´s also easy to convert to Black and White (already tested it).
I´ll be crossing fingers :)
I see from your comment to ysonmez that you already picked his entry as a winner, so please let me know what your partner says and maybe I can improve it to make it #1.
I did post that comment on isonmez's page, but after that last round of changes on your design, as far as I'm concerned, it's now a very close tie with him. And I know my partner had also liked a lot lexlogo's crate initially, before we went down the container road, and he's still working on developing it.
Moreover, during the judging period, we're going to get our own feedback from a few people and that may influence us and ponder things further.
As far as making it better, I'm wondering now if the purplish sunset colors on the sky might not mix things up too much. Maybe we'd better stick with a regular blue sky after all (but keep a gradient effect), or maybe try yellow to red sunrise gradient ?