Pier Group Business PlanningLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pier Group Business Planning
Pier Group Business Planning has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 323 designs
from 66 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Pier Group Business Planning is a business advisory and consulting company focused in the marine space. The target audience would be entrepreneurs and owners of boat clubs, boat dealerships, and other marine and professional organizations. The logo would be fine if it just says Pier Group to keep it simpler.
Color Preferences
The Pier Group is focused in the marine world, like the name implies a Pier (like a pier on the water). It is nautical and marine based, so the color scheme should be some variation of blue, gray, black, or white. Please feel free to get creative on the pier or with any nautical icons that make sense.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
It should be professional with clean lines and modern fonts. But it is ok to experiment with some fun designs as well and get creative with how the Pier aspect, or any marine aspect for that matter, is incorporated. Instead of just a pier, it could be knots like the kind you use to tie down a boat, or water, or anything in that realm. Ideally it has the words Pier Group or The Pier Group in the logo, with a brand mark we can use for an icon in document or on clothes and hats.