I like this design as you have it. We may suggest tweaks later, but for now this version is good looking and clean. I still like the financial tie in which is unique. No more changes here.
Can you look at a version where the background shape is more squared than a circle? Curious how that would look. And reduce the font size of Business Planning to where it fits under Pier Group. Just a variation I would be interested in seeing.
I like the idea of incorporating a financial chart on the horizon that mimics mountains. Very creative. Can you sharpen the logo a bit with smaller lines. And can you choose a different font structure so Pier Group stands out more than Business Planning. Creative view though.
Interesting, i like the visual and what appears to be a financial graph as the vertical lines. Good thought. Can we change the font structure to be more clean and modern. And have just Pier Group in bold, and Business Planning in something lighter?
Comment Activity
Please review #269 and #270. As well as #271 and #272.
I hope I got what you suggested correctly.
Thank you!
Please review #196 #197 and #198 if they're in the right direction.
Thank you!
Please review #193 #194 and #195 if the fonts are in the right direction.
Thank you!