PictiriLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pictiri

Pictiri has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 396 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.






































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Logo Designer
My entry

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
Thanks for joining the tournament - this off to a great start with very good designers now participating! The bar is being moved higher - and you jumped right in near the top!

That smiley is a good idea.

i don't know what feedback to give you right now because all your ideas look very good. So keep going with your passion! Key things to remember - Pictiri is global building bridges between businesses; distance is no longer a barrier for people to meet face-to-face; time is being saved; connections are being made, etc.
13 years ago
Also, avoid literal elecronics symbols like TVs, buttons of various shapes - We like symbolism and that too on the abstract side.
13 years ago
#33 Try replacing the squares around the globe with a random distribution of 0's and 1's. Or you could have the squares contain one of these numbers. See main discussion board for why.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
new entry

(This comment references Entry #43)
13 years ago
Very nice ysonmez... You keep raising the bar higher and making my job more difficult! Couple of suggestions:

(1) Use two colors for Pict+iri as you did in #47.

(2) I notice you have not played with the font for Pictiri. You may want to test few other styles.

(4) #45 - Let's see how it looks (a) with only one ring (b) multiple rings but with colors matching that in the word Pictiri. Just want to see what is the impact of removing all the bright colors.


(3) I am wondering if you can play a bit with the perspective for the word Pictiri - i.e. make it look like it is coming out of the paper. Do do it with one so we can see if it something we want to pursue further.
13 years ago
Don't like half-smiley - change to full smiley if you want to go with it.

Also, check #58 and #59 - what he does there with Face is similar concept but a bit more conservative.
13 years ago
#38 is getting very good reviews - let's try few changes:

Break the colors in Pictiri in two as in other entries.
Use the 3rd color for the tagline.
I like the smiley face but wondering if it is too lighthearted for our target audience. I don't know what the rules are but one thing to consider would be how it is done in #60. Or something similar.

13 years ago
Waht is the difference between #64 and #65?
13 years ago
#69 Very nice
13 years ago
#72 - could you please make the font on the tagline little larger - we need the tagline to be more prominent.
13 years ago
#72 could you also make the font of pictiri bit thinner so it is more "clear". Also, for the comment re: tagline above, you may also want to try splitting the tagline in two lines.:

Distance Conquered
Face Time Transformed.
13 years ago
OK - these are all the feedback for you now! I think you have several very promising concepts almost at the finish line. Just start scrolling through what i wrote above and take care of design recommendations above if any. At that point I think you would have integrated all the elements in your concepts. Then you are free to fly with your imagination without me looking over your shoulder. You can either keep refining what you already have or come up with new stuff - I think you get it what I want!

Thanks for very nice work! you indeed set the bar very high for others.
13 years ago
#86 - very nice - perfect. Consider this design concept done unless you have other creative ideas to improve it. 3 more days to go so you perhaps think of some other concepts or improve the exisitng ones. By now i think you know exactly what we like!
13 years ago
#92 - Gosh, great - keep them coming. you are making our job very difficult in a good way!

What is the A like structure on the left of the globe?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
13 years ago
#92 #95 - like them - it reduces "congestion" and looks cleaner.

I just posted a design concept idea on the wall - check it out if you want to run with it.
13 years ago
#100 #102 I see what you did with the Face - I think this becomes too subtle. most people would just miss the concept of Face in the tagline.
13 years ago
#104 nice - button, globle, world all in one. CCan you change the P containing the button into an eye? That will nail this concept.
13 years ago
#110 could please remove the dark patch using the same effect as you did in #111?
13 years ago
General - getting a lot of negative feedback regarding the use of smiley. The main concern is that we are providing a serious business critical application and smiley has no face in there. I am inclined to agree. So let's put the word Face back in designs and I will leave it to you to figure out how to do that in a creative way so as to get both messages - Face Time Transformed and Time Transformed out. I think using a different color for Face and some accent on or around it (e.g. the way it was done in #60) is one way to go.

This feedback is going to everyone using a smiley.
13 years ago
If you are going to replace smileys - no need to replace in all. Just in the entries rated and new ones.
13 years ago
Very nice -

You have several very strong concepts heading into the final days. You really have captured the essence of our messaging and gotten almost all design elements correct.

You may want to work more on the eye concept - it is getting a lot of attention.

Also, a variant of #118 may be interesting - an overlap of random 0s and 1s in each of the three panels using a slightly darker color as the panel itself. Just subtly darker but noticeable. Take care to no to make it look crowded. Yes, I know I am asking for a lot ;-)
13 years ago
Sorry - all the eyes are out! This because it is reminding too many people of fish and that is a symbol of Christian right fundamentalist in this country (perhaps other places too). So in its current form it cannot be used. Need it to become less like a fish and more like an eye ;-)
13 years ago
Very nice -what is that white spot in the eye?
13 years ago
Great - you are on a tear. You have nailed all the design elements and now it is just a matter of creating variety of visuals incorporating as many of those elements as possible!

Again thank you for being the part of this contest and raising the bar so very high. I never imagined this would be so good and you are one of the primary reasons for it!
13 years ago
What is the difference between #132, #133, and #134?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
132 and 134 (eye balls different)
133 (gradient color on text)
13 years ago
#153 you had the tagline perfect with accent on the word "Face" as in #114. That tagline is a keeper except if you want to play with colors.
13 years ago
ysonmez - would it be too difficult for you to produce variants of some of your top ranked designs in combinations of black/greyscale and red? I am getting intrigued by the combination!
13 years ago
#157 - please make two variants with

(1) no perspective - that is the picture is flat facing us (However, you may use perspective on the globe to get the right effect).

(2) Replace the P is the picture with a circle.
13 years ago
#170 Awesome - could you please me the darker part of the circle/text real black?
13 years ago
#210 there was similar submission that I had ranked #1 - it was almost the same perspective but without the black box. Was that yours and did you withdraw it?
13 years ago
#251#252 Let's make these geographically correct - the North=South axis of earth is tilted towards right (i.e. North pole is more right of the South pole). W wold love Pictiri to be so powerful that it tilts the axis of earth but I guess that is asking for too much ;-)
13 years ago
ysonmez - we are very impressed by the quality of your work, creativity and the hard work you put into it. We would be next looking for a web designer to create our website and would like to know if you create websites as well? If you do, we would like to consider you for the job we if we can reach an agreement on other issues. Please let us know.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Ch,

Thank u for your nice words about my work... Yes, i do create websites but i'm not writing codes. Only designing and i would like to work for your web site design...

Waiting for your respond to schedule my time...

Thanks for your interest...


Yavuz Sonmez
13 years ago

Design only is OK. I can always find a coder - I just need a stunning, elegant design with European design sensibility.. What would you need from me to have a first fruitful discussion? I do have a friend who is putting my website ideas into a wireframe. I guess it would be designer's job to convert that into a concept.

We would move to website creation immediately after the logo contest finishes. I think at this point you understand brand/messaging of our business better than anyone else.

Would you have some reference links to websites that you have designed?


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Ch,

First of all, I wanna apologise for the late respond of the logo updates for today. I was busy with my other works but i'll submit updates asap...

Secondly, to convert frames no problem for me... But there's one thing: I've nothing to show u as reference! I know this sounds weird but i've designed 1 portal and 2 websites this year and unfortunately they're still not online... I have all the materials but confidentially agreements r keeping me...

So, as i've said before i know this is weird and of course u want to see some samples of my works as client but this is my situation...

I can give u this link to check... http://twitter.com/#!/skuber

This is a new social media site i've designed. I've also designed the logo. Everything was ready but unfortunately the server broken. They still working to go back to normal and hopefully site will be online soon...

I guess i have to wait for your decision about this situation...


13 years ago
So you designed http://skuber.com/? I can wait until it comes back online - no problem.

Our website is going to be basically informational website about the company, its people, products and services. Simple and elegant. No clutter. At the same time showing high technology flavor. Easy and intuitive to navigate. About 5-8 pages total. There is no eCommerce.

But it must be something that sticks to people's mind. Would you be willing to design the home page and one other page for us to see your taste and concepts. Just minimal amount for us to get an idea. If we like that, I will take a chance and give you the contract.

(1) How long do you think it will take you to do this? (2) How much do you think it will cost us (an estimate only is OK at this time)?

Also, we want the website to go public October 4. At that point you will get a reference site! So keep that in ming when quoting your cost ;-)
13 years ago
#291 very elegant but missing tagline.
13 years ago
ysonmez, could you please respond to the post about website design - two post above? Thanks.
13 years ago
Hello Ysonmez,

As you can see several of your submissions are now in the final list that getting smaller by the day. I need you to do a couple of things to your RANKED only entries -

(1) Replace all smileys by the word face with a swoosh under it (not a smile). You had done few designs with that and, unfortunately, I cannot find those now.

(2) Make the word "Face" understated by using a lighter color in comparison to rest of the tagline.

(3) Please make sure tagline is not "crowded out" and it stands out - the font size in #157 (or larger) is good.

(4) Some of your designs are missing taglines. Please add them.

(5) This is going to be a bit more work but it is very important. A lot of feedback is centering around some entries being too colorful for a serious business. In particular, we are getting a lot of push back on the combination of blue with orange in the word Pictiri, Tagline and/or design. Would it be too much trouble for you to make TWO variants each for: #138 (Pictiri only), #88 (entire logo), #114 (Pictiri only), #118 (Pictiri only), #115 (entire logo) and #116 (entire logo) using the following color combinations (1) two shades of blue - one darker and one lighter, use your creativity and sense of aesthetics to see which shades are the best, and (2) a combination of blue and green as in #325.

Please let me know if you can do this! ASAP would be great as we have a meeting on Monday to narrow the list down even further. I want as many entries of yours in that short list as possible as you worked very hard.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Half of the updates submitted... It's 5.50 am in the morning here in Istanbul. I need some sleep... I'll work on and submit the other half after i woke up... Thanks for understanding...
13 years ago
No problem!!! Thanks so much - this is very good work and you now have 8 of you entries in top 10!

#370 - fantastic + fabulous. It looks it or a variant would most likely be the winner. So please concentrate ONLY on this.

Some things we need to make the final decision and say this is it -

(1) Submit with different font styles and sizes using your best aesthetic judgement. I think the picture is now perfect and we need to make sure we get the text to perfection as well. Open clear text is preferred.

(2) Submit one variant with darker blue/lighter blue combo (light blue instead of green in #370).

(3) We may need to use our logo in black and white or grey-scale application. Please submit two variants - black/white and another with dark grey (or black)/light grey (or silver) combo.

If all of these look good - we would have a winner.

Thanks for your very hard work, diligence and awesome creativity!
13 years ago
This feedback affects the following 3 designs, we are almost there:

#370 #384 #373

(1) Please replace the smiley under Face to the swoosh you used in #252.

(2) We like the font in #384 better (it is more "open") but we like the special effect you used in the font in #370. Can we replace the fonts in #370, #373 and #384 with the best of both worlds - so use the font style of #384 but incorporate shading special effects used in the font of #370.

Also, check out the font size for the tagline in #153 and #156 - what do you think? Is it the same as in #370, #373 and #384.

Our Board is meeting today at 11:00 AM. Hopefully instead of shortlisting, they will just declare this the winner. Keep fingers crossed.
13 years ago

Congratulations! The Board just approved #385 as the winner!!! Everyone was very impressed with the quality of your work and the hard work you put in. On their behalf, please accept our sincere gratitude and thanks. Everyone is of the opinion that you would certainly be our go-to-person for our future design needs. Also, if you need to provide my name a reference for your work, please feel free to do so. I will PM you my email address .

I would be back later to discuss further - in the meantime, get some good sleep.

Sandeep Kakar
CEO, Pictiri
13 years ago
#385 #386 what is the difference between the two?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Sir,

Thank u very much for my winning design and also for your nice words about my work:)
Actually i've never worked so hard for any contest for 3 years with so many entries:)
I also hope to work in your future project...

Btw, difference between 385 and 386: 385's tagline aligned left side, 386's tagline aligned left and right side (justify)...

Yavuz Sonmez
13 years ago
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