I like the two-color text in #26. however, there's not enough polish to it. Also, symbol that is in the logo/text must be on the right-or-left of the text, in order to have a horizontal read. Length is not a problem, but height is:
Hi! Thanks. #34 has grown on me...FUNKY... but, I'd need it in grey-n-red or grey-n-orange or maybe even grey-n-olive... I don't know... but grey and something... My site is a template that changes it's bkg from white to black with no way for me to change it, so the logo has to show up on both. : )
color tweaked, based on your input. also: what about a rectangle background behind the logo, in a color like orange, red or olive, that way the logo would show up over the website background know matter if website BG was black or white? just a thought?