Hey, BuddlArto! We relly like the idea of the world you've encased in each logo. We like the simplicity of #6 the best, but it is a little boxy. Could you make it a little more organic by getting rid of the 90 degree angles? Also, the green stands out a little more than we anticipated with your use of brown... any ideas to make this more cohesive with the color palette?
New entries #18#19#20, thanks for the feed back, i do some variations with the network so the logo looks not so boxy, and decrease the size so the green not to stands out (is it still to stands out), need more of your direction.
Thanks for the additional options, BuddiArto! Could you make the following changes?
#20: Close P in Photo Remove aperture leaves on final O of photo Make O's in photo perfect circles Make black and white or grayscale Make camera more organic (do not have any 90 degree angles in it; curve corners)
#22: Make black and white or grayscale Reduce final O in photo to be same size as other font, but keep aperture leaves. If world becomes too small to see, please remove so you're left with just aperture leaves.
Okay new entries as you requested, With black&white and colors, and with apeture leaves remove and stay, rounded corners, and perfect circles on the O's, nice feedback.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the new entries!! Can you make the following changes to #27?
1) Make the first O a perfect circle 2) Make the inside of the P a little larger and close it off so there is not space between the stem of the P and the loop around 3) Can you try one where the world inside the O is reversed with the colors? Where the tan is continents and the white is ocean? (I've been looking at it reversed this whole time and someone else had to point out the white was Africa... I kind of like the fact some people will be like me not seeing it at first, but I'm wondering what it would do if it were reversed)
Also, some people are a little concerned that if we want to embroider this, we will have difficulty and I pointed out we could just use the version without the world for embroidery. They then said the aperture leaves would cause a problem. If we choose a logo like #27, would it be an issue to request the full color & black & white versions of this image, along with full color & bw versions for 1 without the world & 1 with a perfect empty circle? I think we may run into a scenario where we might need all 3, like the embroidery example.
Sorry, 1 more thing! Is it possible to incorporate our tag line of "Adventures are only a click away!" below the logo? You can use the font and color you believe expresses this the best and works with what you have already created. Thanks!
I have uploaded new entries #58#59#60#61#62#63 #64 #65 just like you have requested on point 1, 2 and 3.
On the embroidery request, did you only want the image to be uploaded or what, i'm not clear with that request, oh yeah thats why I make it the image bigger than the letters, to handle such problem (embroidery thing, just my opinion)
As usual, the designer knows best! I like the inside of the world better with your original entries! We will be discussing entries again tomorrow and I'll let you know about any requests! Thanks so much!!
New entries, original entries with your request, changes on the P and the perfect circle O's #74#75#76#77
And I made new tweaking on the globe just only with equator line, just an idea that pop in my head, maybe to handle the embroidery problem (just a thought) #78#79
#44 - Extend P and close it so there is no space between stem and bottom of curve for P (but leave O alone)
#78 - Extend P and close it so there is no space between stem and bottom of curve for P (but leave O alone) Does this make sense? Please let us know if we need to clarify.
Hello, Buddi! You are our winner! We are narrowing down the selections you have submitted, however, can you make a couple of tweaks for the final logo? I am going to mark one of yours as the winner, just so you know we're serious and you're not doing work for someone who may select someone else. Thank you so much for all the work you've put into this! Great job!