The I's in Wine and Wii have been changed to Icons that represent the concept, with a wire connecting them as a Wii Nunchuck would be to show how they both link.
Another variation of the Silhouette of a Mii and a wine bottle, i also forgot to mention that i know you were after something that would look good on t-shirts and i think that even on its own the Mii and wine bottle icon would look great on its own
thanks for the changes. I'm actually leaning toward the original 21 because he's a bit fatter and tends to go better with the text size. I think it's the head that's not as mii-like as it could be. any chance you can try a different head? :) also, I might do this on a black background too. so, can you make a version that's the same red, but opposites on the white/black?
Sam: Can you keep the spikes but make the shape a little more squared? In other words, the spikes don't flare out on the side? Keep the original too and we'll compare.