Personal Logo - Wine RelatedLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Personal Logo - Wine Related Personal Logo - Wine Related has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 115 designs from 22 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by p&p studio Return to Contest Return to Contest 8th #24 New #91 New #90 New #89 Withdrawn New #53 New #39 Withdrawn New #38 Prefers others. #23 Prefers others. #22 Discussion p&p studio Logo Designer font modifications are made based on the initial brand name(This comment references Entry #22) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer directly to the products used, with the accent the human conversation 2 results modified font(This comment references Entry #23) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer font modifications made based on the product looks simple, but elagance(This comment references Entry #24) 15 years ago mattha Client Hey P&P: not sure if you saw my general comments. I like #24, but was wondering if you can experiment changing out the graphics a bit. for example, a bottle for the "i" in wine, or a game controller. Likewise for the "i"'s in "wii". thanks so much!Matt 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer develop design ideas that have changed the layout looks more alive(This comment references Entry #38) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer develop design ideas that have changed the layout looks more alive(This comment references Entry #39) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer try to give the best of the revision that you gave to me(This comment references Entry #53) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer try to give the best(This comment references Entry #89) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer alternative design previously(This comment references Entry #90) 15 years ago p&p studio Logo Designer alternative design previously(This comment references Entry #91) 15 years ago