I like the PF part of the logo a lot. The slanted angle is great and is relevant, but slightly too much of an angle. Can the F be modified to look less like an E?Also, I might like to try a few other fonts for the text.
#6 is still my favorite of the group. Would you be able to make the airplane image a bit sleeker? It looks like an airliner, and we deal with private jets. check out these links to see what I mean. You'll see how much more pointed the nose is, and overall the plane is less rounded. The other comment given to me is that the flow goes to the left and it would be cool if it could somehow be reversed and go to the right.
on #166 can you make the plane go to the right? Ideally, I'd prefer the flow of the logo to go left to right. The back of the plane could be the right side of the P.
Thanks for all the effort you've put in, it's all very good.
thankyou for your feedback, i really apreciate it. i thought that your business card will be unique looks like a poker card when using spade shaped logo. :)