Pee Dee Waterworks, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pee Dee Waterworks, LLC

Pee Dee Waterworks, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 378 designs from 72 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Our company operates water plants, wastewater plants, and water distribution systems for small municipalities in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina. Our main goal is to provide safe and reliable drinking water for our customers. We are looking for a logo to put on our shirts, jackets, and trucks so our employees are easily recognized by the public.
Color Preferences
Blue could be used to symbolize clean water.
Red for fire hydrants.
A metallic color for water faucets.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I could see the logo comprised of a water tower, water faucets, or some type of water droplet. These are typical items I've seen as logos of municipal water departments.
To do something that is not as "typical" we could do something related to the company's name. The area we serve is known as the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina, see attached file. So a logo depicting this area of the state is okay. The name Pee Dee comes from the Pee Dee Native Americans. I don't really care to use a Native American in the logo but I could if it fits. There are also the Great Pee Dee River and Little Pee Dee River that run through this area. Using a river in the logo to show clean water is a possibility. However the water in the Great Pee Dee is very muddy and does not look like clean blue water so if that was used locals may say its not a true depiction of the river. The Little Pee Dee river has dark water, almost tea colored.
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