#16 I like the concept - but not the bridge - perhaps the woman and dog are the outline of the heart - the dog's head would then need to be more round...
You have the right idea about the light and I like the dog and cat - but the dog's mouth and ears need to be softened and perhaps expand the colors
#55 - The black border is too thick on the heart - if you can soften it and also make the hand more realistic- it feels too thin - but it is getting better!
I like the light rays a lot...perhaps have the light emanating lighter at the core and it intensifies to a deeper yellow... and let's see what a thin green border around the heart looks like.
Also, can you try making the human white and the dog black?
This is really coming along and the emotion is coming through!
In #71 the sun seems to get very bright and that is what I like. ...
can you try making just the outline of the heart green
Inside the heart make the sun and the sun rays golden and then getting lighter and happier as they spread out from the center
also...the human needs more detail to match the detail of the dog... can we give the human a little white point for an eye like the dog, and also make their hand look a little more defined -- a tiny bit of separation of the thumb and maybe the palm of the hand
Can you try to make the dog's ears just a little bit smaller so I can see if that is better?
Can you try a softer, more rounded, friendlier font, without any serifs?
I like this more and more and I like the position of the hand and the energy between them
I think the new human eye makes him/her look a little creepy...can you make a friendlier eye and make the yellow a lighter yellow like the sun? It should get lighter as it shoots up; not the opposite!