PanPipe Productions LtdLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / PanPipe Productions Ltd

PanPipe Productions Ltd has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 87 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


I really like #5! Can we get a movie reference in there somehow? Can I see what it would look like using gold/yellow rather than least in the name, and perhaps a gradient in the circle? Thanks ;-)
14 years ago
Looks great. I'm getting feedback tomorrow from the other guys involved in the process, so may have some more comments then. Thanks :-)
14 years ago
We really like #6, and would love to see some variations on it please, Nancy, as in making the name bigger and the piper smaller, and/or playing with having the name in front of the light with the piper half-in/half-out, and/or using the different lengths of PANPIPE and PRODUCTIONS to, when they are on top of each other like you have, create a space at the end of PANPIPE where the piper could stand, making him more one with the logo. We like the idea of sparkles/sparkling (like pixie dust)....could that be incorporated subtly in one variation, perhaps the bottom of PRODUCTIONS morphing into a sparkling gradient? I hope this makes sense to you....

Basically you're on the right track, and we love the concept, just something isn't quite right so would love to see variations in the design. Thanks Nancy :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This is where I went with your suggestions.

Could you elaborate some on "bottom of PRODUCTIONS morphing into a sparkling gradient"?


(This comment references Entry #18)
14 years ago
Hi Nancy, thanks for your re-worked submission, I really like it, and it's closest to what we're looking for. I'm speaking to some of my colleagues tomorrow and will have more detailed feedback.
In the meantime:
- can you rework number 18 with the font used in number 6, I'd like to see both variations
- I always preferred PanPipe to PANPIPE, but have since thought that PANPIPE would be okay to use all caps if the P's are bigger caps than the rest of the letters. Can you please use PanPipe Productions Ltd in full

I was trying to find an example for you of what I mean with the 'gradient speakling effect', but can't seem to find one (which may be a good thing ;-) as in it's not that common). Let me try it this way:
- PanPipe would be solid golden
- the top third of PRODUCTIONS LTD would be solid golden, then grade to more speakling golden, and finally the lower third would be made up of sparkles (like pixiedust), some of which 'cross' the outline of the letter. Think of a sparkler candle (except less explosive, the gradient from golden to sparklers would be very gradual). I hope this makes more sense, I really think it'll look great against the black, and can be used for animation as well.

Thanks Nancy :-)
14 years ago
Hi Nancy, are you working on some changes for us? I hadn't seen anything new and was wondering whether you were going to submit anything else. Thanks :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I was just working on them when I got your message! :)
14 years ago
Nancy! First of all thank you for your reworked designs, they are wonderful, and I know they took you some time to make. It was great to see the 'sparkling' effect in action, however it turns out we prefer your original idea...sorry! The logo is really tight and neat, which is why adding the 'Ltd' doesn't work in this case.
I know we can work with the winning entry once the judging phase starts, however until then could you rework your logo with different fonts, please. The font currently used is still a little too whimsical/fantasy for us.
Can I just ask you: about how designers get points for the ranking: am I better off ranking every entry, even those I have already discarded, or do you get points as a designer regardless of how many designes you submit?
14 years ago
Another quick thing...can you please submit logo ranked # 1 flipped horizontally, we would like to see the piper walking forward (left to right) rather than backward (right to left). Thanks!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll answer your question about ranking and then work on revisions...

Only the top 10 ranks get points.

1st - 50 points
2nd - 20 points
3rd - 10 points
4th to 10th - 2 points each.

The top 3 must be given to different designers, the rest is up to you.

Some Contest Holders rank for effort, some for design preference. The top three are given 'medals' gold, silver, and bronze. These are displayed in our profiles.

I don't think designers give much thought to their discarded designs at project close.

Hope that helps!
14 years ago
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