Palm Beach WalksLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Palm Beach Walks

Palm Beach Walks has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 121 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.


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Entry 44. Perhaps the road could have dotted line like a street? Could we add some blue somewhere since the area is on the water?
10 years ago
#44. Perhaps the green could be deeper to give the logo a bit more "strength".
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, i am writting from my phone. I've read your suggestions. I will work on it as soon as i come back. In two hours more or less i will send you the modifications you asked.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
New entries with your suggestions #101, #102, #103 and #104. Different shades of deeper green and a little of blue. Please, feel free to ask me for any modification you need
10 years ago
This logo is looking great. A few thoughts:

1) Can we try and make the green just slightly lighter? I know I asked you to make it deeper, and I like it, but it may be just a touch too deep as it blends with the black font a bit.
2) I would use the logo for mostly pamphlets and emails where I would have under the logo my mission statement "Improving walking and biking on the island". Could you add that phrase under one version of the logo?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#119, #120 and #121 with a lighter green and three different ways to show the tag line.
10 years ago
The green color looks better, but the text is too hard to read. Let's use just the logo without the tag line with the current green color.
10 years ago
Perhaps, you could tell me the font that you used for "Palm Beach" and I could add the tag line larger in some of my literature. Thank you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Of course, if my logo is finally choosen as the winner of the contest, I will send you the font used so that you can use it whenever you need.
10 years ago
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