Hi! Now THIS is the kind of creativity I'm looking for. Whether or not yours is selected in the end, you have taken it to a new level. I'm glad I contacted you. I will keep all the ones you've submitted and work to rank them. If I discard any, it will only be because I kept the one I like most. THANK YOU! If you have any other ideas, I would love it.
THANK YOU. I like 146 and 147 particularly well and 151 is solid too. Please keep them coming. I will rank these three this morning. I'll discard based on color - keeping one but knowing I can alternate on colors. I prefer a different font than you are using on the company name, but I think I can work with you on that once I get to the Top 5 selection phase, which is tomorrow or Friday. If you have any other ideas, please submit them. Thank you again.
I've ranked 143 at the top of my list for now. I will discard 141, 142, 144 and 145 as same/similar designs to 143 and let you know later if I want to go with a certain color, etc.
On 143, I would like a revision that keeps the icon as-is, but shows the LLC written vertically beside the m instead of horizontally. Also, change the font on "outperform" to something else with sharper edges, don't italicize it, and make all the letters, including the O, the same size. Italicize the tagline and, if you can, put one of those emphasis lines under "should be" in the tagline to emphasize those two words. Resubmit something like that and use it in any other submissions as well.
I really like 147 and will rank it at/near the top as well. Please make the same font, etc. revisions to this one as I described for 143 - restated here...
On 147, I would like a revision that keeps the icon as-is, but shows the LLC written vertically beside the m instead of horizontally. Also, change the font on "outperform" to something else with sharper edges, don't italicize it, and make all the letters, including the O, the same size. Italicize the tagline and, if you can, put one of those emphasis lines under "should be" in the tagline to emphasize those two words. Resubmit something like that and use it in any other submissions as well.
205 is excellent - #1 on my list for now. Can you resubmit it with the letters in the company name as small letters, but make the font size such that the letters are just about the size of the icon? Thanks!
214 and 215...I like the "sunbeam" effect in the upper part of the icon, so keep that if possible, but I prefer the original icon design in 205, which I have ranked #1 because the road leading to the O sunrise is more in the shape of an arrow pointing up and to the right.
I will discard the ones I like less and keep 205 for now as my favorite.
If possible, modify 205 such that it includes the "sunbeam" effect of 214 in the top part of the icon and then find a font that is more "bold" for the company name.
On 212 and 213, in addition to the above-stated edits, can you keep small letters for the company name, but make the company name bigger relative to the icon? I would like the icon roughly the same size as the letters of the company name. Thank you very much!
#254 | #255 - Slightly heavier font, Icon more relative to the wordmark, rays included, white background...
I will be in an out of communication throughout the day. I travel a good bit. I will check in on my mobile and work on edits when I am at a spot to set up.
#259 | Update of the concept. More upward/forward movement to emphasize "outperforming" #258 | This is just a reference entry...It is just to show detail.
I just wanted to point out my reasoning for not putting the sphere in #254 as the actual "O"...I think that in this instance the logo would read "utperform" to many eyes... with the logo not being quickly recognizable as the "o" in the wordmark. You would notice it, because you are so familiar with the name, but the uninformed consumer may misread. That is why I chose for this logo to be completely separate from the wordmark. I can always switch it around, but in my experience it often can be troublesome.
It generally works better in the middle of the word than at the beginning or end.
Thanks! I agree. It is best as a stand-alone icon. I have you ranked in my top 5 for your designs, so I'll work with you a bit more soon. Mostly I want to try another font or two, but am very pleased with your designs. Stay tuned!
I am most interested in Entry #281, so let's start there.
The icon is fine. The emphasis line under the tagline should go under both words "should be." The LLC can be all caps as-is, but should be not bolded like the rest of the company name. It should look like the company name is in a bold type, but the LLC is not. I think there are fonts that I like better than the one you are using. One designer has a font I like most that I would like to see on yours, but I don't know how to tell you what it is. I would like to see different fonts. If that has to wait until I choose a winner, I can wait and do it then. Finally, I would still like to see the company name in small letters, but a bit larger relative to the icon.
Fonts are no problem, I have a million and there are millions more. We will get to the right font. That's never an issue. As long as we get the icon right, the rest is easy. I'll try some new ones for you tonight, and make the changes that you listed. It will be a bit later in the evening (east coast time)...but I will get some to you then.
#297 #298 #299 - New fonts #300 - I always test the usability of the logo in black and white. This logo works great and doesn't lose any of its "story" when reduced to black and white (which can be necessary for certain applications.)
Thanks for the test on the B&W. I wondered about that, and now I know. I like 297 the best, so I've discarded all of your other designs at this point and will work from that one. I like it better than your design with the growth bars as well, so I discarded that entry.
The font on 297 is more to my liking as well, so look for similar ones and we can keep finalizing the font. I still do want the "LLC" less bold-faced than it is so that it doesn't stand out as much. And I think I would still like the company name a bit larger relative to the icon.
Please work on the above-stated edits and I think we can finalize it.
Also, on #307, can you experiment with making the bottom part of the icon (the road) a bit taller and the top part of the icon (the sunrise) a bit shorter? After I stare at it for a while, it starts to look like me...a fat, bald man in a tuxedo. Maybe changing the dimensions of the two will make me disappear. It's worth a shot at least.
#315 | By moving the "wings" into the gold portion, they no longer look like the arms to the tuxedo. #316 | I raised the horizon line...and slid the path to the right a bit. This also helps.
I think #315 is the prefect fix though. It keeps the overall feel and balance to the logo, while eliminating the "arms"
Don't feel bad, its common to stare at the logo so much during this process and have it start playing tricks on your mind...imagine how the designers feel... I have a million of them playing tricks on me...LOL.
I appreciate the updates/revisions you submitted today. I'm not making any further design-specific comments to anyone right now (primarily due to lack of time), but am just sending this message to all as an update.
I have narrowed my favorites to five designs by four designers. On each of the designs, there are likely minor tweaks to get them exactly as I want, but they are close enough for me to pause for a bit, consult others as needed, and spend some time figuring out how to further narrow the options.
As for now, they are ranked top to bottom as my wife likes them. Ha! I value her opinion, so I wanted to start there, but, in the end, it's my decision. I believe my contest ends the Top 5 phase early afternoon EST on Sunday, FEB 9 and goes to the Judging phase. I plan to give some serious thought to each design and then to decision making, so I may not give much feedback or ask for much more for a bit until I'm deciding things.
In the meantime, feel free to submit any other comments or ideas that you may have and I will consider them.
I've re-ranked #214 for now...in an effort to get one more idea that will get rid of the image of the fat, well-dressed bald man. #214 has the bottom of the icon driving up to the left. I wonder if you could flip it so that the bottom of the icon is going up and to the right towards the sun on the right, then add the black "wings" and all the other specs in the current #307 design. You can again shorten the top part and lengthen the bottom part so that you get the up-and-to-the-right arrow effect I'm seeking. That might get rid of the fat man image I see and keep the effects I want.
Hi! Thank you for the #320 edit. My apologies for this being so tedious. It's just not working the way I want it. Can you try another option? Leave the bottom part of the icon as it is in #307 and use the top part of the icon as it is in #320. Perhaps, moving the "sun" over to the right a bit might make it look less like a person. Thank you again for the edits. I wouldn't ask so much to get it right, except that this has been my favorite, so I want to perfect it, if possible. -Austin
Also, on the revision that incorporates #320 and #307, could you please make the following edits to the tagline and "LLC":
I've decided I like the "LLC" in black font, so please make the "LLC" black font, not bolded. Change the tagline and swoosh emphasis line to black font as well. Italicize the tagline and do not bold it. Use a period at the end of the tagline, not an exclamation point.
Make the above edits on #307 as well, since I may end up going with that one in the end.
Sure! I'm working with two other designers besides you at this point. One has already given me edits and another is working. There are some minor changes I'll ask you to do when the second designer is finished. At this point, I'll be working with your #321 (changed my mind from #307)...so look at the above-stated edits (reprinted here) for #321.
I've decided I like the "LLC" in black font, so please make the "LLC" black font, not bolded. Change the tagline and swoosh emphasis line to black font as well. Italicize the tagline and do not bold it. Use a period at the end of the tagline, not an exclamation point. Make the swoosh under only the word "should"
Power keeps going out here due to the winter storm that is pounding the SE The ice is breaking up power. So If I go offline I may not be able to update right away, though I should be OK on my mobile to communicate.
Just as a side note. I prefer my square design to my round one because it is ready made for social media and icons. I do like my other concept. It is just not as functional long term from a marketing perspective.
Thanks for the revisions. I like both...and don't think I need anything further until it's decision time. I agree on the square versus round...and like the square design with the growth bars well enough to rank it pretty high and consider it in the end. I am working with two other designers, both of which have one design each I'm finalizing with them. That means I'll be considering theirs and your two - a total of 4 - as finalists. I will move you out of first place for now and work with the others, then contact you as needed before my Sunday deadline. We're supposed to get weather here too, so the next couple of days will be fun. Take care!
OK..I was actually about to upload a design that had the path like the sunrise icon with the bars. It was basically the bottom of the one idea with the top of the other. let me know if you want it uploaded. (I was trying to upload and it gave me an error due to being ranked 2nd)
Thanks! I think your two current designs are better. That option would have redundant imagery. I like the path to the sunrise with the upward arrow, and, in the other, the growth bars and the upward path passing through the icon. Yours are good.
I'm moving you back to first place to make edits on #334 and #335. All I need on both is for the company name and tagline to be larger relative to the icon. I'll give you time to make this edit to both and then have a look at all four designs from the three designers to see if anything else is required before my Sunday deadline. Once I have yours, I think I should be able to make a decision.
I like your #341 design the best of the ones you've submitted. I am finished working with one designer and am asking the second designer for some additional font options. I may ask you for another font option or two later. One designer's font I like the best, so I'm hoping I can apply that font to any design once I've chosen a winner.