Thanks for your entries. No. 15 stars and Orion font are nice - could you try the stars with five points and curving upwards instead of in a straight line - and with the United more like in No. 16? (But spaced further apart) Tx!
No.30 works best - can you make curve of stars not so steep - have a look at Orion's Belt / placement of pyramids - more subtle curve. Idea of a curve in No.33 like curve of earth is very interesting. Can we explore that further? tx!
We like how No.50 has progressed No.33 - Feels like the curve begins too low and doesn't extend far enough to balance the text, and the Orion font could be stronger. Feels a bit faded. But moving in a great direction. Can you please keep refining this concept? We also liked No.54 but the torch feels too much like a cross so could be religious... Could you refine this to make it more distinct as a torch / star / lighthouse? tx!
Could you try No.50 with the first star not on the O but aligned with the curve after the O (So the yellow part of the O looks like the sun rising on the earth, with the three stars to the right of the O). Also to try the curve in a colour other than grey. Tx!
No. 112 is great. Thank you. The orientation of the stars in No.122 is better than 112. Could you also try with the stars further from the O (moving them further to the right). Also to try: 1) The stars on the same line as the curve, with one star over the "i", 2) "United" to be smaller font and/or the letters spread further apart. Tx!
Tx. No 144 & 146 are progressing in the right direction - Colour of curve in No.112 is better than the green. Could you try both with that colour treatment. Also with middle star of the three redder / orange. Tx
Hi could you try some reverse treatments like No.183 on No.178? We're comparing star placement. Also could you try No.180/No.178 with stronger red & yellow/orange? We're concerned the logo will be too faded when small. Tx
The yellow part of the O and United is still a little too faded in No.210 - So when it's small it's difficult to read. Can you strengthen the colour? Also, in No.147 and No.182 where the image is reversed, you have left a gap between where the right top of the O meets the curve - This is much better than where the O merges into the curve. Could you please try these two amendments? Tx