Thanks Aaron. Let's try the more conservative "corporate security" typeface (like your 5th ranked Atlantis) and use a more simple design (like your 10th ranked Synergy), with an overall clean look (like your 8th ranked Willow Developments). We can try the graphic top-center and also to the left with justified left text.
Thanks Aaron, Entry #16 is what I've been looking for! If you have any other creative ideas for depicting motion for the psi, go for it. I like this one, just want to see other possibilities. Also, if you can do something different to emphasize the O, P, and S (bold, different color, etc) , that would be great.
Absolutely. I'll get those ready soon. The contest will probably be in judging mode by that time so I'll need to move in the 1st ranked position to submit te variations. Thank you