I understand what you're doing here but prefer the Heart being outside and not connected, which emphasizes the word better. Not sure which color combo is best?
Totally get how you used the O's to represent the heads the people. It doesn't look like ears anymore. Thanks! It also integrates the name into the logo. Also appreciate the deemphasis of Of. Considering overall effect... I'm unsure.
Good start for heart. The two heads could be mistaken as ears, but could also be offset and maybe used as the O in Of and One? Thanks for a fresh idea on the heart! Please delete slogan and see other comment for earth inside heart.
This one has potential: clever use to make the heart like two separate people, with the world inside. Suggestions: Could you play with the people and heads a bit, because we don't want them to be mistaken for Mickey Mouse ears (maybe offset? Could you try making the world fit the inside of the heart, so heart shaped instead of round? Please take out the slogan and we would like the colors green please. Thx!
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