I like this font better than your newest addition. Can we just switch the coloring from red to orange-red and the text ONE HEART to the same orange-red please? We might need to switch the heart colors a bit to distribute the orange-red (blue stays middle, but switch green and orange-red heart). Please keep Of blue. And then, I think we've got it perfect!
YES YES! This is so wonderful. First, want to make sure that is orange and not red (maybe tint a little more orange please so its not mistaken!). Unfortunately, we cannot use red with refugees. Also Quick tweak: can you put the orange heart either in the middle or left, so its not next to the lettering, but distributes the colors a little more? This keeps getting better!
Like this font and coloring - getting closer! And this is a popular logo in our survey! Can we try red to orange-red please in heart (maybe need to switch heart colors?) and put the lettering under and strung out, either in green still or orange-red? Not sure if Of still works inside O if we string out under thought, and thats ok.
Would you mind reposting this same logo with the other font please? I can't find it in our contest, but we did like the other font better. And would you mind changing the red to an orange-red please? Thank you!
Love this one! Would you mind adding some orange pls? Not sure if two colors would be better, and which would they be, but we're trying to warm it up with more orange. Maybe 3 colors or it might be too much? Please show us some examples.
Creative! Great new logo - weaving together different shaped hearts and colors. Good overall balance of colors too, again with the right emphasize of words. Nice!
And another clever logo- took a minute to realize those were hearts, but appreciate how they connect to make a pinwheel, could be people, etc. Potential here too. Can you integrate the colors between the design and text and make the red more of an orange-red? Same feedback for font: too block. Thanks.
Another clever logo. Good use of the three colors, and integrating the hearts, although they do look a bit cartoonish. Can you stylize or make them a little more geographic? Can you change the red into more of an orang-red? Again, same feedback on the block letters. Potential here.
Heart is very clever: all about integration and connection. Great idea! And the thicker heart balances the thicker text. Good use of color. Could you play with the text? Text is a bit too block.
Great idea on the heart beat and fresh take! Also like the Of being deemphasized and put into the O. Good use of color and keeping it simple too. A few suggestions: thicken the lines of the logo, and lighten the lines of the text - it just seems a bit unbalanced with the text being so thick right now. This has potential!
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Best Regards. Viki
Tnks Viki