Love this design, I will need to add the theme "Together with Passion and Purpose". Additionally, need to add Conference Dates etccc. Is there a way to work it in or should I just consider adding it as text after the fact?
Love the new work. You must have vistied our website for the dates. However this logo is for the following year Nov 17-nov 20 2010. Do the rules of the contest preclude me from getting just the logo and logo plus dates? When it is all said and done, I understand the winner will send the image to the contest holder. Is it possible to do both?
Hi, thanks, yes, the winner is required to send you the logo in whatever formats you like, for example, icon only, with or without slogan etc. So you can easily request they include it with dates. I'll submit the correct date in a minute.
here is a thought. Can you some how put a oval or circular blue bacground around the whole thing.I love the hands, just wonderif we can connect the NYS AHPERD and the hands a little bit. Colors and overall feel are bold and just waht I am looking for.
I think I like #60 the there anything else you can do to add a splash of something without the ribbon, more of a subtle background. It might be the one, but I am curious if there are any other options
Yes, I will be working on some variations of #60 for you, I will have to submit them Monday as I'm out of town for the weekend. But I'll definitely be able to try some other things to make this logo just right.