We like the concept of the bag as the shop... as in #52, #58 and #59.... but the consensus at the staff meeting was that it was too "cutesy" for what we are. With that said... could you tweak the design so that it is more modern and upscale?
BTW... everyone likes your avatar of the "audrey hepburn" girl with the sunglasses. Might be something you could work into a logo?? People were drawn to it. Just a thought. Maybe her with a shopping bag? Maybe full body? Maybe head/shoulders up?
#67 Ok... as we're looking at this... we're wondering what to do with all the white space in ads, banners, etc. Any way to create a more "compact" design. Liking the girl.... she's the favorite among a few of us. But.... as the one who places the ads... I have to think about how we'd fill that white space. Could you submit a design that has the northwest arkansas boutique show part in front of the girl? Or... any other ideas to make the whole thing tighter?
Great! The reason for the fuschia/lime/turq is that our staff is loving the one we currently have ranked #1 because everyone feels the colors will translate well to the Holiday shopping season.... as well as the spring season.
Hey there! Our staff still loves the idea of the bag as the actual shop as in #59. However... the colors need to be the bright turquoise, hot pink and lime green.... and be much more "modern" looking. I really think you are on to something and would still LOVE to see that idea flushed out. That could honestly be our winner if it were the right look. Everyone loves the idea... but feels the bag and awning need a more upscale feel... less whimsical. I know it's last minute.... but would LOVE to see that if you have a chance to make any modifications.
#71 and #82 are definite contenders as well. Question for you. (Obviously I'm not a graphic designer.) A question came up regarding the "layers" used in this logo. If we picked #82..... could we use the layer that has the type/woman on it... without the striped background if the occasion/media called for it? We love #82.. but think there might be some applications in which the bold stripes may not work. How does that work? Would love to know... it might help us in our selection process.
Thank you!! looking forward to seeing some final designs. :o)
Hi, I will ret to revise #59 before contest deadline.......:)
# 82, the background is separate, in a vector file, so seperating, no problem:) (when I do reversed logos, with bacjground, I always include a file with no background)