Hey there! Still really liking #51. Wondering if you can "sculpt" the ankle just a bit.... bring just the ankle part in a bit to make it just a bit thinner.... or in some other way define the calf of the woman's leg. Thank you... this is our favorite logo so far!
Hi there... think we've almost got it. Can we see a few things:
1. #65 as is... with addition of beige color to legs. 2. #65 as is... with NWA tag on bag and remove "northwest arkansas" at top.
Also... are colors interchangeable once we have the logo? We have a specific turquoise and lime green we'd like to use. Hard to tell on the computer screen... since they are all different.
For an example.... #82 has a good pink and turquoise... but needs bright lime green versus sage/pea green. Hard to say on computer screen.... but can I get you PMS colors later? Or does it all have to be done before contest ends?
I can provide in any standard graphic format. (.eps, .ai, .psd etc) It is 100% vector art so it is very simple (and quick) to select and choose a new color. This is built in adobe illustrator cs3
Wonderful! You have been so helpful. Sounds like I need to buy adobe illustrator! Question.... can you send us both horizantal and vertical versions? Really like yours... but not sure which orientation is best. We are sitting here looking at one of the older versions you did.... horizantallly.... which might work best for banners/billboards. But... we like the vertical for magazine and newspaper.
#109 is still reading "teal" to us.... but we'd love it to appear as turquoise. I know all monitors display color differently.... how can we specify for you which turquoise to use? I need a pms deck! :o)
Hey there! Back in town... have talked with staff. We LOVE your design. Thanks for all of these options. You are amazing! That really helps us visualize how we could roll it out for different seasons and various media. Can we see the color you used on #120 on #121? I think that might be our winner! :o) Thank you again for all your help!! We are very pleased.
Hi! I am not quite sure what you mean here? #120 & #121 are the same file but with different color schemes. Are you saying you like the color of #120 ? If so, then we don't need to change #121 since it is the same. If I am confused on this please let me know and I will get you what you need! Thanks :)
Oops... left out the word "turquoise" .... the turquoise background color in #121 seemed a bit brighter and thought it might look good with the pink of #120. Want to compare that with old #121.