I prefer #4, #7 and #8 out of your submissions - I feel they need to say 'nursing' a little more though. #7 is closest to this concept, but not quite there.
The typeface for NCFI is a little too formal. I don't want something overly stylistic there, but should be modern. No Serif fonts, please.
I like the font from #23 (DIN?) - this is a nice clean font - let's run with that
The graphic element of #24 is really well balanced, but the star and leaf are not objects that really holding a lot of meaning for me. We need to add something that really represents the idea of 'nursing' - maybe a traditional nurses hat on the characters - small and subtle
I really like the multiple forms of people in #23 - it shows unity, and I really like the hand that wraps the entire shape on #4 - could we try to turn the heart into 2 hands wrapping the people (keeping the shape of a heart, but it's 2 arms wrapping the group?
I would also like to see it with the color scheme reduced to 1-2 colors. Just blue tones (one light, one dark) - gradients would be ok too.
Thanks for your great work, I'm going to push some of these into the 'not interested' pile just so we can focus on the new ones moving forward - Really liking what I see, thanks for the great work.