Thanks for your submissions! I'm not a fan of the emblem style of #9, but love this icon. I love the idea of 'fellowship' that it represents. If you can have another pass at this, with a little more focus on 'nursing' (maybe a female nursing style hat on the primary character in front?) -
On the layouts of #1 and #5 I feel like the icon overpowers the rest of the message / type. I would like to stay away from serif fonts - something a little more modern.
I would also like to see this in 2 shades of blue - don't like the contrast of the green on the background characters. Maybe a lighter shade blue for those characters.
Overall, great work. I would love to see some revisions from the feedback above.
I would like to see one more pass at this if you would. I would like to see the primary character form wearing a nurse hat (example link in previous comment) - and I would like to see the type a little more balanced with the icon. The balance on the size of #5 is a little better, the icon doesn't overpower the text.
Something else that I think would bring everything together would be a (semi-transparent, or maybe trasnparent on bottom, and getting more opaque towards the top) is a sphere in the middle of the group holding hands - so it looks like they are holding hands around the world. Maybe either a solid shape, or something simple with some subtle latitude and longitude designs.
Hi Mr. Tabor. I'll try to figure out more alternative with this concept. I'll submit them ASAP. and here are the update for now: #26 - #27 - #28 - #29 - #30
you can see the hidden tho hearts (loves) in this concept, they're under the hands of nurses ( #29 and #30 )
#26 has the depth I'm looking for, but I don't like the middle character. I want to stay with the simple characters you've been using up to this point. I would like the earth that they are wrapping their arms around to disappear below their arms (see screenshot link) - and for the nurse hat I was thinking like this: