NukeWorker.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 122 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Online job board (like monster) for nuclear workers and employers.
Color Preferences
Digg Blue [#356AA0]
Gmail blue [#C3D9FF]
Shiny silver [#EEEEEE]
Reddit white [#FFFFFF]
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I just want a 10 year refresh on our current logo. Here is a link to our original NukeWorker guy, and our curent logo.


Order by
Entry Number


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1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next >


Here is a better link to our curent logo, and our old logo:

Also, here is a link to our website, so you can get a feeel for where the logo will spend most of it's time:
16 years ago
Althought I added the colors above as prefered colors, feel free to use our current colors as a starting point.
16 years ago
Please remember that our clients are 'nuke friendly', and depictions of a gas mask like #2 above (which might be cool) is not the image we want to portray. We want a friendly nuke worker guy. People love our curent logo, it is a very friendly nuke worker guy.
16 years ago
Also, please note that both our buisness clients (the employers) and the nuclear workers are in their 40s-60s. These people don't want to see a guy with baggy pants hanging around his waist or a skater punk.

Please try to create something that would apeal to an old fart, yet be current an up to date.
16 years ago

NukeWorker Logo Rebranding

People recognize our logo. It is the first visual interface to our company. When it comes to changes to that logo, it is essentially a change to how our customers initially interface visually with our.
We want to update the brand without starting from scratch.
A few years ago, UPS decided to update their logo. Instead of the older, flat, 2-color logo, they went with a more contemporary logo with a 3D gradient. The old logo is shown on the left; the new, on the right. (Link below)

We want to maintain the basic foundational layout of our current logo while using design details to modernize it. The recognizability cannot be lost in the new logo. We want to give it more energy - with a “Web 2.0” feel. We want this rebranding to stay consistent with our old logo.

Consistency is the most important thing to consider in this re-branding. Our company look and logo can be updated without sacrificing the integrity of our well-established brand. We want to ease your customers into our new brand, not shock them into it. Please recognize the establishment of our brand.
16 years ago
The logo should be timeless.
16 years ago
We like the UPS redesign, we also like the AT&T redesign:
16 years ago
Logo Designer
very nice characters beesoul and extrajoker, well done guys.
(you guys have spent some time on this one by the look of it)
tough choice for the CH.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
#96 is my favourite. looks friendly and is very well drawn. Far ahead of all the other. very nice job, beesoul!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
They're all good enough to win,
good luck to CH, it will be hard picking a winner.
16 years ago
We had a LOT of really good submissions. It was very hard to pick just one. I wish I could use them all.

Thank you everyone for all the hard work you put in to helping us find our new logo.
16 years ago
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