Not to be limited by the ideas below - we are not the most creative bunch. We can either go abstract in a logo (e.g. Cisco) or more concrete (e.g. Swiss Air)
1. Writing instrument that speaks to the core of our business: paper, pen, notepad, script
2. What we value as a company - relationship and guidance focused: connections / bring people together, working together
3. The impact we provide for our clients - more customers with increased greater loyalty, wider online influence, improved web presence: sales funnel, outline of a crowd / people
Some logos we like: - how the logo is built into name, perfectly fits with the product - simplicity of logo, sharp edges. Logo placement builds on brand theme of exploration / mountain - the abstract, yet accessible quality of the logo - boldness of logo - not necessarily the icon itself, but we like how creative the logo is. The icon for DigFile is not just a shovel and a picture of a file...