Hi Pax! For #127, could you make a slight change - proxima nova for the font and keep the period the same color as the text (maybe a square period too?). Thanks!
Awesome. I feel like I'm being insane, but could you make the font bigger? When I look at #1 and #2, I want to easily compare them to yours. Just a touch bigger and I'm done commenting - I promise! Many thanks
Hi! Thanks again for your designs. We would like to be able to more easily compare across designs, so we are asking each of the designers to use the same font style. If you could resubmit #359 with the same font look (style, boldness, and size) as the logo that's in first place that would be great. Font is Proxima Nova. Thanks!
Hi. We are leaning back towards the period as our preferred option. We think the current version might have a little too much attitude / come across as too severe.
Could you submit several more options the soften the period a bit? Couple ideas: - different colors of the period - different shading of the period - different shape of the period (more round, a circle, a slightly italicized version, etc) - anything else you can think of
Please let us know when you have some more ideas and we'll move you to #1. The sooner the better for us - really appreciate it